Vol. 1 Episode 15:The Stray

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:City of Vale
Time of Day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

Me, (Y/N), and the rest of team RWBY went down to the city to explore. We saw many decorations for the Vytal Festival coming up soon. I could tell immediately that Weiss was excited. Which is very strange.

Weiss: The Vytal Festival! Aren't you guys excited?!

(Y/N):I guess, yeah we get to do fun things. But, still. We can't do those fun stuff since we'll be fighting against teams from the other kingdoms.

Ruby:Yeah, also I don't think I have seen you smile so much, Weiss. It's kinda weird.

Weiss:How can you not smile? A festival dedicated to the cultures of the world! There will be Music, Dances, Parades, and so much more!

Yang:You really know how to make a good thing sound boring.

Weiss:Quiet, you!

Yang:Why are we even at the docks on our Friday Afternoon?

Ruby:Yeah, it smells like fish!

(Y/N):Well, it is the docks. Docks have fish. So it would smell like fish.

Weiss:I heard that the students from Vacuo are going to arrive by ship here today. As a representative from beacon, I feel it is my solemn duty to greet them to this fine kingdom.

Blake:She just wants to spy on them to get the upper hand in the tournament.

Weiss:You can't prove that!

Me and (Y/N) began to snicker at each other.

Weiss:Quiet, you two!

(Y/N):Alright, we'll stop. For now.

I looked over to my right and saw a shop with police tape around it.

Ruby:Woah, guys look.

We all then looked to see the building. The five of us then walked over to see what was going on.

Ruby:What happened?

One of the two detectives then came up to us.

Detective 1:Robbery. second dust shop this week to be hit, this place is turning into a jungle.

He then walked away to go over at the other detective.

Yang:That's horrible.

(Y/N):Yeah, I mean. Shit, second one this week. Someone is wanting all this dust for something. And I don't think the military is just gonna rob some random ass store in the middle of the city just to get some Dust.

I then started to over hear the Detectives talking.

Detective 2:They left all of the money.


Detective 1:Yeah, makes no sense. Who would want all this dust?

Detective 2:An Army?

Detective 1:You thinking White Fang did this.

Detective 2:What I think is that we don't get paid enough to do this.

Weiss:Hmph, White Fang. What a bunch of Degenerates.

Blake:What's your problem?

(Y/N):Yeah, Weiss. I understand their Terrorists and all. But don't you think Degenerate is pushing the envelope too far?

Weiss then turned to us.

Weiss:First off, It's not pushing the envelope too far. Secondly, My problem? I simply don't care for the criminally insane.

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