Vol. 2 Episode 5.5:Special Episode 3

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(Takes place before and during episode 5 and during episode 6)

Location:Team VMAV Vacuo Base
Time of Day:Evening

(Y/N) pov:

Me and the Rest of Team VMAV were at the Vacuo base. We were sitting around waiting for someone to give us the details of the assignment we were assigned to do.

Gray:Damn, this fucking thing is taking forever!

(Y/N):I know, I hate how I have to do this. Not the part of hanging out with you guys. I hate how I probably have to miss the dance with Ruby.

Violet:Well, maybe the mission will be over by then and we'll be able to get there.

(Y/N):Yeah. Hey, Forrest. You got any of those gas masks done?

Forrest stopped what he was doing and handed us our masks.

Forrest:Masks complete. Help us against Poisonous Gases or other biohazard chemicals.

(Y/N):Nice. Umm, how are you going to get your's on since you already have a mask on.

Forrest then demonstrated his mask to us. The mouthpiece of his mask opened up for him to attach his gas mask to it.

Gray:Not bad. Why do we need these, anyway?

A soldier then barged in.

Soldier:So you don't get your asses killed. Listen up. You're going to do a recon mission. We have reports of a White Fang base nearby. General Ironwood wants this done.

Forrest:Why would Ironwood want us to do his job if we in Vacuo?

Soldier:Because supplies from Atlas are stockpiled there. These supplies are state of the art medical and military equipment. Ironwood wants them back.

(Y/N):So, basically Ironwood wants us to get in there. Get evidence of the White fang using these supplies and then get back. And if we are caught. We kill anyone in our way. That about right?

Soldier:Aye. You leave now. Bullhead is waiting for you in hangar. Move out.

We headed to the bullhead and got in. We lifted off and after a couple of minutes. We made it to the base. We hopped on to the roof and took out any snipers. We saw a vent.

(Y/N):I can use my semblance to get into the shadows inside the vent. Then I should be able to get a entrance for you guys. I'm going in.

I turned on my semblance and went inside the shadows inside the vent. I went to the exit that seemed like it would be an entrance to the roof. I busted out of the vent and stealthily searched around for any signs of an entrance to the roof.

(Y/N):Alright (Y/N), you got this. If you see any White Fang. Kill their ass.

I walked around and saw a door. I opened it and luckily it was to the roof. The rest of the team entered and we got to work.

Forrest:So, where do you think they would stockpile such equipment?

Gray:Probably in some storage area. If we figure out the layout of the place. That would help, significantly.

(Y/N):Any ideas of where a map would be?

Violet:I don't know. Maybe check that big map behind you.

We turned around to see a big map. It was a complete layout of the place.

White Fang Member:Stop right there!

We turned to see a white fang soldier.

(Y/N):Fucking shit! We been spotted! Alright, we're going to have to fight our way out!

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