Vol.1 Episode 12.5:Special Episode 2

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Note:This story takes place during episode 11 to episode 14

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Night

(Y/N) pov:

I got up from my bed at around a little after midnight. I got ready and put on a new uniform for team VMAV missions.

(Note:Eyes and eyebrows are white because eye color and hair color are determinable

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(Note:Eyes and eyebrows are white because eye color and hair color are determinable. The only thing that isn't determinable is that he has a bit of blue hair dye in his hair)

It was similar to my normal outfit but this one seemed more tactical. I opened my dorm room door and saw Ruby down the hallway ready to tell me goodbye before I go on my first mission.

Ruby:Hey (Y/N).

(Y/N):Hey Ruby. You here to tell me goodbye?

Ruby:Yeah, I don't really want you to go because I'll miss you.

(Y/N):I know, I'll miss you too. But I'll be back by the end of the week.

Ruby:I know.

I then kiss Ruby on the forehead to make her feel better. In response, she hugged me really tightly and kissed my cheek. Ruby then started to speak in a sad tone.

Ruby: I don't want you to go. I want you to be here with me.

(Y/N):I want to be here with you too. Hey, when I get back. I'll take you somewhere nice if you want. And you can sleep in my room with me if you want to.

Ruby then wiped away her tears.

(Y/N):I love you, Ruby. With all of my heart forever.

Ruby: I love you,too. Can we do tickle fights?

(Y/N):We can do tickle fights.

Ruby:Ok. One more kiss before you have to go?

I then put my lips on Ruby's lips and we passionately kissed each other. I then waved goodbye and started to head out to the front of Beacon. I saw Professor Ozpin and Professor Glynda out there right next to a bulkhead that I'm guessing will take me there.

Ozpin:(Y/N), glad you could make it. Do you know what your assignment is.

(Y/N):Yes, take out the abnormal Grimm.

Ozpin:Good. This bulkhead will take you to the Vale base for Team VMAV. There you'll meet your teammates and be briefed on what the plan is. Any questions?

(Y/N):No questions.

Ozpin:Very well, Good luck.

I boarded the bulkhead and I took off to the Vale Base.

Location:Vale Base
Time of Day:Midnight

A couple of hours later, I made it to the base and hopped off the Bulkhead. I started to walk to the door and saw the Bulkhead leave.

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