Vol. 3 Episode 4.5:Special Episode 4

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Location:Amity Colosseum
Time of Day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

Me and Violet were preparing to take on Sun and Neptune. I got into Violet's shadow for a "Dramatic" entrance. The two of us entered the arena to see Sun and Neptune already there. I popped out of her shadow.

Port:Ladies and Gentlemen... Sun and Neptune of Haven Versus (Y/N) and Violet of Beacon and Haven.

Sun:Don't expect us to go easy on you two just because you're friends with Blake.

I smiled menacingly and put down my hood. I then started my Semblance into its ready mode.

(Y/N):Hehehehe... Violet, you think we'll be able to take these two on?

Violet:Without a doubt... They should be easy!

The Arena turned into an Urban Environment, a Fire Area, a Geyser, and a Tundra. I looked over to the Urban Environment and smiled.

(Y/N):Looks like it's home turf for me this time.


Me and Violet deployed a flashbang that Forrest handed us and we made our way over to the Urban Area with Violet to devise a plan.

(Y/N):Alright, I say we take on one at a time. Let's take on Neptune first. I saw a fire hydrant not that far from here.

Violet:He's afraid of water, though. We using Psychological Warfare?

(Y/N):Yeah. The best it could do is slow him down for us to take out.

Violet:Would Royal Wisdom or Final Navy be able to do it? Or our semblances?

We looked outside a window to see the two moving around looking for us.

(Y/N):Damn... Time to move! We'll have to devise something on our own and fast! If one of us could get Neptune to that fire hydrant. It should get him.

Violet:Right! I'll draw him in! You can get the hydrant going!

(Y/N):Good call! Let's move!

Violet got out of the building and found Neptune.

Neptune:So, you here to fight? Or we could...

Violet:I'm a stop you right there, Neptune. We got bigger things to do than act childish. And besides, you're not my type. Sorry.

Neptune:No worries, I'll just have to fight you!

Violet activated her semblance and froze time. She then moved him over to the fire hydrant. She then restarted time and got out of the way.

Neptune:What the...! How am I here now?!

From a sniper's position, I fired a dust bullet at the hydrant causing it to burst open with Water and hit Neptune. Good thing it was a powerful enough force to make it shoot out water.

Neptune was then pushed away off the arena.

Port:Incredible! Team VMAV got one out!

Oobleck:Yes, of course! With Neptune having a fear of Water! It would appear VMAV used it to their advantage! They used Psychological Warfare to knock him out!

(Y/N):Alright, now only sun left. Then we'll be able to win the...

Before I could even finish. I saw Violet desperately try to fight Sun and get knocked out of the ring.

Sun:Hehehe... that was a little easy, wasn't it? Hey (Y/N)! I guess it's just you and me now! Let's settle this with a one on one fight!

(Y/N):I wouldn't want it any other way, Sun Wukong! Very well, you may have your fight. But I have been training my semblance up for a very special attack! Prepare yourself! Because this will hurt like hell!

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