Vol. 1 Episode 8.5:Special Episode

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Location:Beacon Academy Interrogation Room
Time of Day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

Minutes after the Initiation. I was sitting there in the interrogation room, all alone. Must be about Team VMAV or something.
Then Ozpin and Glynda walked into the room.

Ozpin:Good Afternoon, (Y/N). How are you feeling after the initiation?

(Y/N):Doing alright, a couple bruises here and there but nothing to cry about.

Ozpin:I see, so any questions about Team VMAV project?

(Y/N):Yeah, what would happen when I'm not on those few missions with my team? I'm guessing I would still take classes here and stuff but still, you know?

Ozpin:When not on missions, you will be here. Yes you will have the average life here but some minor changes. Each team gets their own dorm room. You on the other hand, get your own room. Also, you would be working alongside any of the other teams you like. I saw that you worked perfectly with Team RWBY. It seems you know some of the members?

(Y/N):Yeah, basically. Me, Ruby, and Yang all grew up together. I've known them for all of my life. Whenever I wasn't home. I was there.

Ozpin:Yes, it does seem like from what your report says. You did have a interesting life in the shady part of the city.

(Y/N):Yeah I did, Mom was hardly there. Dad tried to help me and my older brother out. And he was gone then. My older brother moved out. So, basically I was living alone in a house in the shady side of the city of Vale. Could've lived with Ruby and Yang, but I didn't want to be another mouth to feed and have them worry about me.

Ozpin:Life like that is common when you come from such a community. But I didn't come here to talk about your early life. I'm guessing you didn't come here to talk about that either. Your first assignment will later on in this Semester. A little bit before the Vytal Festival. I'll team you up with team RWBY when you aren't on missions. Glynda, anything you want to add?

Glynda:The VMAV project is a more complex concept than what beacon usually does. You will be on recon, stealth, and grimm assassination missions. They are some of the toughest missions. Remember, you chose to be here.

(Y/N):I understand.

Ozpin:Good, enjoy the rest of the day.

Ozpin and Glynda then left the room.

(Y/N):*sigh* The fuck did I get myself into? No going back now. Who knows, maybe it'll be fun.

I then got up to leave and try to find where Ruby and her team was.

Location:beacon Academy cafeteria
Time of day:Afternoon

(Y/N) pov:

I got to the cafeteria and saw Ruby and the others sitting. I went over to them and sat down right next to Ruby.

(Y/N):Hey guys.

Ruby:Oh my gosh, (Y/N)! I'm so proud of you! So tell us what VMAV is?

Yang:Yeah, I wanna know.

(Y/N):Alright then, so basically this is what this VMAV project is.

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