Vol. 1 Episode 4: The First Step

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Beacon Academy
Time of Day:Morning

(Y/N) pov:

I woke up early today so that I could get ready earlier than the others. Too be honest, I never wake up early unless I have to do stuff. I see that others have woken up around the same time as me to get ready. I decide to wake up Ruby and Yang so we could all get up early to get ready for the initiation today. I go over to her sleeping back and shake her a small bit.

(Y/N) softly:Ruby, it's time to get up. We got that initiation.

Ruby:Go back to bed, (Y/N). It's not time yet.

(Y/N):Well it's 5 in the morning and our thing is in 4 hours. It might be best to wake up.

Ruby: I want kisses first.

I then place my lips on hers and kiss her.

(Y/N):Was that enough for you to wake up?

Ruby:Yeah, give me a second. Also have fun trying to wake Yang up.

(Y/N):I'm sure I can do it.

You then try to wake up Yang. Who immediately out of nowhere gets up and grabs you by the collar and pins you to the floor.

Yang:Oh hi (Y/N). Didn't know it was you.

(Y/N):Who else but me and Ruby would try to wake you up?

Yang:I don't know. Anyways, that was funny. Alright time to get ready.

We immediately left to go get ready. While I was getting ready I saw some girl in pink talking to some guy in green who looked tired of hearing her. I guess some people are just morning people. I could not relate to that.

Me, Ruby, and Yang then met up to finish getting ready.

Ruby:I'm so excited for today. I get to show off Crescent Rose today.

Yang:Remember Ruby, other people are taking the initiation as well. If you want to grow up, you gotta meet new people and make new friends.

Ruby then sighs in frustration.

Ruby:You sound exactly like dad. Like what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need to meet new people to grow up. I drink milk!

Yang:But what happens when we form teams?

Ruby:I would just be on the same team as you and (Y/N).

Yang:Maybe you should try being on someone else's team.

Ruby:Big Sister Yang, are you implying that you don't want to be on my team?

Yang:No! Absolutely not. I'm just saying it would help for you to break out of your shell.

Ruby:What the-?! I don't need to break out of my shell. That's absolutely ridiculous!

Yang:Just saying. (Y/N), back me up on this.

(Y/N):Yang's right, Ruby. I mean, think of it like this. Growing up in a city for a huge chunk of my life has taught me things. One of them being, you need connections to get through life. Let's see who you know from here currently. There's Blake, Weiss, Jaune, Me, and Yang. It's a start but you'll get it.

Yang:See Ruby, that's why you need to meet new people. Because if you don't. You won't get far.

Ruby:This didn't help what so ever.

(Y/N):Welp, you'll get it eventually. Anyways, we need to head to the place we're supposed to meet up at for the initiation.

Ruby:Alright, let's go.

Location:Beacon cliff
Time of day:Noon

(Y/N) pov:

We all met up at the cliff and got on the platforms.

Ozpin:Listen well students. In this forest. Is where you'll see if you are qualified enough to be huntsman and Huntresses. The person you first lay eyes on will be your teammate for the rest of your time here at beacon. You need to head to abandoned temple. Which is where you will find the relics. Also, don't hesitate to kill whatever monsters get in your way. Or else you will die. Also, you will be launched into the forest below and must figure out your own landing method. Any questions. No one? Good, now begin.

We were all then shot into the sky one by one. I put in my headphones to pump myself up. I was then launched into the sky. Ready to become a huntsman

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Red Roses:Vale Saga(Ruby Rose x Reader/OC)Where stories live. Discover now