Vol. 1 Episode 14:Forever Fall part 2

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Opening time: https://youtu.be/mVASjgrIhiQ

Location:Forever Fall Forest
Time of Day:Afternoon

Other pov:

CRDL was holding Jaune down as Cardin sees the sap on his Armor. He then grabbed Jaune by the Collar.

Cardin:That wasn't smart, Jaune. Not smart at all. I'm going to make sure they send you in tiny pieces to mommy.

Jaune:Do whatever you want. I don't care. But don't mess with my team.

Cardin:What? You think talk like that will make you tough? You think you're a big man now?

Cardin then threw Jaune to the Ground and him and the rest of CRDL started to beat him up.

Cardin:Let's see how much of a man you are...?

Before Cardin could finish his sentence. A giant Ursa appeared out of nowhere. It must've been attracted to the sap on Cardin.

Location:Forever Fall Forest
Time of Day:Afternoon

Ruby pov:

We heard a Ursa roar from just nearby. I knew there was Grimm here. But that was a louder Ursa Roar than usual.

Ruby:Did you guys hear that?

Yang:Yeah I wonder what...?

Before Yang could finish, we saw Russel from Team CRDL running towards us.

Russel:Ursa! Ursa!

He then ran into Yang which unfazed her in the slightest. She just picks him up from his collar.


Russel:Back there! It's got Cardin!


I knew I had to go into serious leader mode. I turned to Yang and Blake.

Ruby:Yang! Go with Blake! Get Professor Goodwitch!

Yang then immediately dropped Russel. Yang and Blake then ran off to get Goodwitch.

Me and Pyrrha activated our weapons.

Pyrrha:Ren and Nora! Go with them! There could be more Grimm!

Ren and Nora:Right!

The two then went to join Yang and Blake. Me, Pyrrha, and Weiss then went to the scene to see Jaune using his Shield to block the Grimm's paw.
Weiss then readied Myrtenaster to strike the Grimm.

Pyrrha:Weiss, wait a second!

Jaune then slashed the Grimm in the stomach. He then dodged an incoming attack from the Grimm. Jaune jumped in the air but was swatted away by the Ursa. Jaune looked at his scroll and then charged at the Ursa to strike. I blinked for a second and saw Jaune overpowering the Grimm. He then killed it. I then saw a black red energy from Pyrrha


Weiss:How did you...?

Pyrrha:Well, Ruby has her speed. You have your Glyphs. My semblance is Polarity.

Ruby:Whoa! So does that mean you can control poles? So Cool!

Weiss:No, you dunce! It means she can control magnets!

I then turned around and started whispering and mumbling to myself.

Ruby:Magnets are cool, too.

Me and Weiss then saw Pyrrha start to leave.

Weiss:Wait, where are you going?

Ruby:Yeah! We gotta tell them what happened!

Pyrrha then looked back at us.

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