part-7(kk messaged teja)

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As everyone got fresh and there was no function for the day left ... so all Elders went out and other adults thought of going to pub ...

Omi: bhai ask her once na...

Kk: omi u want u can go and ask don't expect from me...

Omi: bhai once u ask na pleaseeeeee....

Kk: y the hell all r making me mad.... ok I will ask now go Don't eat my head..

Omi: love u bhai... byee..

Kk: oye wait I have some work from u...

Omi: ha say na bhai...

Kk: I want the cctv footage of today from the garden...

Omi: ok u will get it... but y .. anything wrong...

Kk:no I just wanted..will u..

Omi: relax don't get angry...I will I will.... give me half an hour I will..

Kk: hmm ur time starts now...

Omi:oo God this boss kk is again active...shit run omiii..

By saying this omi ran out and kk thought of messaging teja..

Kk to himself: yar what should I message..hmm will u come.... do u like to join... no no no...yar Karan Come on ask her... y ru thinking...fuck yarr. .

Kk: hii ...

Teja : hi..🙂

Kk: how r u now..

Teja: I m good...

Kk: actually I messaged because I wanted u to join me with a party...will u please...

Teja: hm ok .. r u sure u want me to come...

Kk: ha... y what happened..

Teja:no one likes to take me anywhere so I asked..I will be ready..

Kk: I will pick at 7..

Teja: ok Mr kundra take care..

Kk: u too...

Kk to himself: yar what is this girl... y Is she like this .. she is so small but her words are so hard....

Teja to herself : till Date no one likes to take me to market n he wants me to join him to party... yar I m scared..what if I don't match his standard ... shit y did I say yes... shitt..

Kk thoughts broke by omi...


Kk:y the hell r u screaming I m here only...

Omi:bhai from Last 5 min I m calling u but u r not listening.. ok leave all that take this cctv footage....

Kk: haa Bring my laptop let's see...

Omi: k bhai... between what happened..

Kk: u will get to know everything.. just do fast..

Kk started the recording...where tm was talking with someone on call..then after 5 min she drag teja with her and slapped her...

Omi: what the hell...y Is she hitting bhabhi...

Kk: yeah her mouth was bleeding...omi get the information with whom she was on call...and Please do it fast...

Omi: ok bhai...

Omi went and kk started to see the footage again and was trying to find something but couldn't find anything...

Kk to himself: today I want to know what is all this.. but how she will not say me.. let me try today....

Hey everyone...
Aren't u all like the story.... because the response is not that much.... if the story is not good I shall stop the story now it self...

Comments down should I stop the story?

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