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When kk woke up he felt something heavy on himself.... n then he saw that his cute little panda is sleeping....

Kk to himself: best morning I want my every morning to be like this only no matter what..

Kk saw teja was moving so he act as he is sleeping...

When teja woke up and saw kk

Teja to herself: yar he is dam cute... my baby ... how is he sleeping man... I love this feeling

Teja got up kissed kk's forehead n went to get fresh ..

Kk to himself: what... ohhh my godd..she kissed me she really did...

Kk got up got ready in the other room ... by the time teja was making breakfast...

Teja:good morning Karan..

Kk: good morning baby.....

Teja just blushed harder...

Kk: oye hurry up we have to go fast we have meeting with some important clients...

Teja: Karan I can't...

Teja wanted to say something when his phone rang and teja couldn't..

Kk: one sec Mr Ravi...teja baby come let's go I m waiting for u in car...

By saying this kk left the home... teja to went ...

Whole time till they reach he was on call n he was holding tejas hand...

As they reached they moved to there cabin...

Kk wanted to ask teja what was she wanting to say ... but he could not because clients were waiting for them ...

Kk : hello everyone...

Clinic: hello Mr kundra..

Kk: so guys let me make u meet the love of my life .. my wife tejasswi kundra...

Clients : hello Mrs kundra..

Kk: so let's start the meeting...

Kk had already made the arrangements of the cabin of the meeting room in which kk n tejas chairs were together in the middle..

Meeting was great and the response was fab from clients...

The meeting took 4 hours because it was dam important meeting and they had one more meeting without any break ...

Meeting started n in the middle of the meeting teja holds kk's hand tightly...kk saw towards her she just gave a look that told his something is wrong

Kk finished the meeting as soon as he could n he took teja towards his cabin...

Kk: teja what happened... r u fine ..should I call Dr.. no wait let me call...

Teja:no Karan actually I got ...hmm.. I got my periods today...n my I was having very bad cramps which I Couldn't control so I hold ur hand ...sorry

Kk:what. ..y didn't u say me that u got periods... u first come here sit here ...

He made her to sit on sofa..

Kk:teja u r mine na ...

Teja: haa..

Kk: then ur pain is mine na then y u keep saying sorry... y didn't u say me in morning we would stay at home na..

Teja: Karan today morning I was about to say u that u go today I will not come but u got call so I could not...

Kk: oo shit ... I m sorry Sorry Sorry..

Teja: no Karan it's not ur mistake don't say sorry .

Kk: is it paining still...

Teja: hmm

Kk: teja let's go home...

Teja: no Karan only one meeting is left n after that we will go I can handle it ... from many years I m handling it all alone...

Kk: wait for a sec ..

Kk called to omi n told him to send a hot bag some chocolate n soup ..

After saying this kk came back to teja...

Kk: u were handling all alone but not anymore teja....

From now I will keep target because it hurts when the response is less

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