part-184(mrs prakash got scared )

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Kk: then where was ur worry when ur mom need u ... where were u when ur mom want ur support... it's not teja who did this.. it's her own son who have made her fall ...

Mr prakash could not Talk anymore... so Mrs prakash started...

Mrs: stop this Mr Karan kundra..u can't cross ur line...

Kk: so u can do it..who the hell gave u the rights to do it ... .. n u r saying me look at urself... then say me ...n don't forget what happened before was very little but if this time u both don't be in limits then I will show u ...the real movie for sure...

With this kk came back to room n told Raj that he is going home to bring his clothes n few important things n would b with teja for few day because he knew that teja wanted to be with dadi ...n told Raj to not leave her for a min too...

As he said...he kissed tejas forehead n went home ...

After sometime teja woke up n saw kk was not near her so she thought might b he went back n she even Saw Raj sleeping holding her hand ... she slowly got up n went washroom...then she came down...

She went to check dadi ... where a helper came near teja with a juice...

Teja took the juice in her hand n kept on table because she thought kk told helpers to give me juice...

Then teja taking the juice in hand started moving towards garden when Mrs prakash stopped her...

Teja:  now what's the problem...

Mrs prakash:  u ...

Teja: then get away  ..

With this teja started moving out but ...

Mrs prakash:do not have this much attitude ... u will also die as ur mother died ...n this kid inside u ... u r going to repeat the same things which happened with u because I know very well what Karan will do n not...

Teja: done... done with ur shit... then take it and eat..because it will not effect me just remember... because I trust my husband more then anyone  .. n what u will know because u never loved u just pretend to ...because u where just busy in making me fall.. so stay away otherwise I have my ways too ... wanna see how...

Teja: bodyguards...

5 bodyguards came running...

Teja:  what is I say u that someone is troubling me n i want u all to take action what u all will do...

Bodyguards:  mam u just say who it is..  we will give u the best result which no one has seen ...

Teja : ok now u all may go ... thank u ...

Due to this Mrs prakash got scared

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