part-56(teja in pain)

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Teja: hmm that... actually I want to go home...

Kk: even I want but let the treatment finish...

Teja: hmm

Kk sense something wired but didn't say anything...

After sometime nurse came for injection tejas had was fully swelled due to injection which no one saw ... because injection were going on one had only ...

Nurse to carelessly was giving but today it was paining a lot. ...

Kk now was much better then before but teja still had weakness ...

Nurse gave injection first to kk then she came near teja ... teja was not ready to take injection

Kk though due to fear she is doing like this...

Kk: teja baby Please take it na...

Teja: I m sorry I can't... it's really paining a lot...

Nurse: mam we treat a lot... so Please I know it will not...

Kk: teja look at me n say what's it is...

Teja then slowly showed her hand to kk ... kk was shocked to see it .. .

Kk: sister what is it...

Nurse: sir it happens don't worry... n please mam take it we have lot of work..

Kk now got very angry n that was it for kk...

Kk: u go I will talk with Dr..

Nurse: do what ever u want.. simply I wasted my time here

Kk then turned teja towards himself n hugged her ...

Kk then holds her hand and say...

Kk: listen teja it's not only in this matter but in life in future anything which is creating u a problem u should first share me .... if it's mine also..n y didn't u say me before...

Teja:because I didn't wanted u to trouble...

Kk: teja listen to me carefully... u have suffered a lot but now ... I don't want u to suffer even for a sec ... so please share n for now u sleep I have some important work...

Teja just hugged him n slept... kk waited till teja slept n then he called omi..

Omi:yes bhai...

Kk: omi add the head of the hospital in call..

Omi: I will any problem...

Kk: u will get to know...n come to hospital right now....

Omi left from office to go to hospital n even add head to the call..

Umar: yes Mr omi...

Kk: hi Mr umar it Karan kundra speaking..

Umar: Karan sir..

Kk: I want u in hospital in 10 min n ur time starts now...

Umar: ok sir...

Umar also left for hospital...

Kk to himself: she is hiding her pain from me .... it's hurting...I thought my hospital is best not like other hospital but...n because of all this my love have to suffer... but not anymore... now those all will suffer..

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