part-69(omi is angry on kk)

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Omi actually shin n me n teja we three went to dinner...

Omi: what r u gone mad bhai ... really ..

Kk: omi she knows she is ex ...

Omi: if she would take u dinner with her ex then ...

Kk: omi ..

Omi: what bhai...

Kk: omi she didn't say anything when I told her we r going for dinner...

Omi : do u really think she will...bhai r u out of ur mind ... and u told her wow ..u didn't ask her that where to go or no ...u made a plan and informed her then will she say ...

Kk: omi but ..

Omi: bhai listen to me very carefully don't bring ur past life or past people in present because they have destroyed ur past n now don't let them destroy ur present n future...

Kk: omi ...

Omi: bhai what happened that teja left the dinner...

Kk: omi she told she is not feeling well so she wants to go home ...

Omi: and u let her go alone...

Kk: I requested her I want to come but she told she will n when I was going to go back of her shin stopped me ...

Omi: n u bhai wow ... this is the importance of teja in ur life or what ...

Kk: omi relax it's not the big deal...

Omi: what happened in dinner...

Kk: nothing we were we were talking nicely then I ordered Food n shin was ordering I stopped her because that food doesn't go with her health... n then I asked teja but she left...

Omi: u know what bhai .. u stay with ur past life n past people...don't u dare to hurt my sister in all this n now that she left ur home u will know what she is for u ...

Kk: omi y r u so angry... I agree that I should tell shin to be in limits but I didn't do anything wantedly...

Omi: bhai u know what the mistake is of teja bhabhi that she is being quite at this Matter n I know where bhabhi is so u can go to home ..

Kk: omi where is she ...she is fine na...yar I can't lose her ..I know I did a big mistake omi n I can do anything to improve it Please say na were is she ...

Omi: she is fine bhai that's it ..

Kk: omi please say me where she is I can't leave my life without her ...
Kk fall on his knees...

Omi could not see him this way nor did teja could..

Yes she was listening to everything and seeing everything...


Teja: sunnyyyy...

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