part-101(kk saw the message n photos)

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Kk opened the mobile and was shocked to see the message on unknown number he then saw everything n then he realized y Teja is behaving like this...

Kk to himself: can I forget this...who the fucking person she is I m going to kill her... I couldn't protect My baby ... but not anymore I will get that girl in front of her in 24 hours...

Then he went near teja...

Kk: teja..come to room I have some important work...

Teja: sunny two min...

Kk: teja I Said come ...

Teja got to know that kk is angry so she ran to room...

Kk was seating on bed n told teja to seat beside him...

Teja: sunny what...happened..

Kk: teja u don't trust me..

Teja: what... what r u asking sunny...

Kk: say s or no teja do not u trust me

Teja: more then myself..

Kk:I m not important in ur life...

Teja: sunny what happened say me y r u talking like this...

Kk: no teja u say m I not..

Teja: u r important more then me ..

Kk: then y the hell u always make me feel I am not important..

Teja: sunny what r saying...

Kk: y didn't u share me the problem ...

Teja: I m not having any problem sunny...

Kk: teja don't...I have seen every messages...

Teja: sunny..

Kk: what Teja...what was that y did u hide ...m I not cable or u don't trust me or m I not important to u ....

Teja: sunny it's not like that...

Kk: then how teja..explain me .... u hurted me a lot teja...

Teja: sunny I m..sorry I didn't mean to hurt u..... I m myself shocked n I didn't know what to do how to do I just was very shocked n scared...sunny I can die but I can't lose u ...

Kk: teja once u would have informed me na .... at least I would have been with u but no u wanted to hurt me...

Teja: no sunny...

She hugged him n started crying very badly...

Teja: I didn't....wanted to....

Kk hugged her n let her cry so that she should not keep anything in heart or mind ...

She slept in his arms while crying n due to the medicine....

Kk slowly made her sleep on bed nice n went to call someone....

Kk on call ..

Kk: hello...

I will end the story in few parts because I m hurted that u all just want to read don't want to give back ...n this will be my last story which I will write ..

Sorry for being rude..

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