part-99(teja is scared)

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She saw there were pictures of letters n paining that to from blood....

Teja: what the hell is this... shit is this for real...

N when there was a message too..

Unknown: better stay away from my Karan or else next time it would be ur blood......

Teja was very scared when her phone rang n it scared her a lot...then she saw it was Karan's video call...she got relaxed...n picked it..

Kk: babyyy...

Teja: hi sunny..

Kk: what happened teja ... r u fine y r u looking so dull ..

Teja: nothing baby...

Kk: y didn't u sleep u were going to sleep..

Teja: u too didn't sleep na...

Kk: I was going then I saw u online so I called u ..


Kk: ok now keep the mobile somewhere from were u can see me n I can see u ...

Teja: what y ...

Kk: do baby...

Teja arranged the mobile n even kk did ...

Kk:now close ur eyes n relax...

Teja was very disturbed from the picture but couldn't say kk ..

He slept in no time n teja muted her call n started crying...

Teja to herself : y y can't I have normal life ... y do people do this with me ..... I can't leave with out my sunny...

She cried n while crying she slept...

Next morning kk woke up n kept looking at Teja...n in sometime teja too woke up n they both talked for few min n then both cut the call...

Teja was having very bad headache but she ignored n got ready n didn't eat anything and left ...

She reached the office n was in very low mood...
Her headache kept increasing n she was avoiding kks call too ..

She missed her lunch too ...she had few meetings n then went down with omi to go home ...

As she saw her car she got double scared because all glasses of her car were broken ...

Teja: omii...bhaii..

Omi: bhabhi don't worry it might be accident so I will drop u come do not be scared...

Teja: hm...

Omi messaged kk

Omi: bhai bhabhi is very scared because today her car all glasses were broken n I couldn't understand what to do...

Kk: omi look behind who did this n I want the update...

Omi then dropped teja n went ... then teja met km n kd n told them she is not hungry n going to sleep. ...

Teja went in room n locked herself n started crying n slept....

Here kk finished his work n was going to leave for India back kept calling Teja but she was not picking so he called km ...n She told him that she is sleeping...

Kk was not understanding what happened to teja n was scared now ...

Kk then took the flight n will reach early in the morning....



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