part-94(body check up)

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Teja: I didn't thought I would have mom n dad love ..but u brought them to... I didn't thought that I would have a brother after Raj but omi came... I just want to feel what I didn't that is becoming a mother... I don't want to force u in anything if u r ready then only let's plan ... I m sorry..

Kk: love... u trust me ...

Teja: more then myself...

Kk: then trust me I m ready because of ur force I m ready because I too want to feel this...I too want to become a father...I too want my baccha to become mother...I want a good happy family...

Teja: thank u sunny...

Kk:if once more u told sorry or thank u I m not talking to u ...

Teja :ok ok I will not say anything..

Kk: n ha don't use ur small brain this badly... don't overthink If u want to think ..then think about me Nothing else is allowed...

Teja: ok boss
Then they both went home n slept .

Next morning both got up n had breakfast and went to office...

Kk n teja were both busy in the work told they had back to back meetings...

Due to which teja Could not have lunch n in evening they both had a appointment with Dr which teja forgot...

At 5 they had appointment n it was 4:45...they both were still working ..

Kk saw time in his watch...

Kk to himself: shittt.. we have appointment with Dr... teja too forgot that ...

Kk moved towards tejas cabin...

Kk: tejaa .

Teja: ha sunny say...

Kk: teja Come let's go..

Teja: sorry sunny I still have lot of work u go home I will come as soon as possible.

Kk: mad I know I too have lot of work but this work is more important then office work...

Teja: which work sunny...

Kk: baby u have a appointment with Dr ... for a body check up...

Teja: ohh haa I forgot...

Kk: come let's go ...

.then they both left for hospital...

It was kk's hospital so no one can stop him...

He knocked the door of Dr's cabin ...

Dr: come in ..

As teja and kk entered....Dr stood up ...

Dr: sir ...have a sit ...

Teja: hi Dr..

Dr: hi may I help u both..

Kk: we both are planning for a baby we both want to have our check up...

Dr: ok sir ..

Then Dr came with the inject to take blood samples...

Kk gave first n then it was time for tejas test ...

Teja: can't we skip this...

Kk: baby..

Teja: sunny I can't I get very scared...

Kk: come here hold me ...

Then teja hold him n then Dr took her blood samples...

N like this all tests were done ...


Foe next part u all know what to do

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