part-111(kk fainted?)

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Teja was seating on chair of dining table when kk came from his room n he acted like his head is paining n he is not well...

Teja saw n got worried...

Teja: what happened...r u fine..

Kk: I m fine don't worry...

Teja: seat here ....have dinner...

Kk: nope I will not have until u have with me ...I know u too didn't eat anything...

Teja: no I had u have...

Kk: ok u had then take my promise n say u had..

Teja: Karan...

Kk: what happened teja say na..


Kk: I know u better then u know urself come have with me otherwise I m also not eating..

Kk was about to get up when she holds his hand n took two plates for them ..

Kk: no we will have in one plate... u have urs I will have mine

Kk: then I m not having...

Teja: u r such a kid..

Kk: ha urs ..

Teja:  now have...

Kk started eating n when teja was about to put her hand in plate to eat kk pushed away n brought a bite in front of her...

Teja:  what was this...

Kk: nothing now have ..


They finished and started to go towards room.

Kk: hm teja can u bring water..actually my head is paining a lot ...I will take medicine

Teja: what happened...come let's go near Dr...

Kk: no no it will be fine u just bring water   ...

Teja went towards kitchen n as she came back she saw Karan on the ground

Teja ran towards him

Teja: sunnyyyyy......


Teja : sunny sunny what happened please open ur eyes.. Please.. I promise I will not fight too I will talk nicely... I want to share many things please open ur eyes sunny...sunnyyyyy I wanted to tell u that I remember everything...I planned all the surprise for u sunny please open ur eyes.... I m sorry................ I was angry at u when I called omi bhai n head u laughing with other girl I don't know what happened.. I m sorry sunny Please get up...I love u a lot more then u imagine...u r my world which is nothing without u sunny......get up sunny...please sunny  ......

With this teja started crying n crying like hell...

What happened to kk

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