part-135(teja is hurted)

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Teja arranged everything on the table and she told she is going...

But kd didn't leave her without breakfast...

N when she was leaving...

Bua had invited her few friends who arrived now...

Bua: teja go make some breakfast for my friends...

Teja : k Bua ji..

She went in kitchen...

Km came back of her ..

Km: teja baccha u go ...u have important meeting I know n she is doing all this because sunny is not here ..but u go...

Teja : no mom it's ok ...I will do it ..

Teja started making snacks for them ...

Omi again called...

Omi: bhabhi...

Teja:  bhai sorry..can u manage the meeting...I can't come now..because..leave it ..can u manage it Please bhai...

Omi: but bhabhi...k I will try to manage n don't worry I will give my best ..

Teja: all the best bhai...

Omi: thank u ...bye..

Teja:  bye...

Then she finally finished preparing n now she served everything n when she was serving bua wantedly drop a glass down but it landed on tejas feet n glass broke n went into ...

Teja: ahhh.

Bua: can't u see...u stupid girl...don't have any sense get lost from here...

Teja was very hurted from Bua's words but didn't say anything

Km saw teja leg n had heard everything what bua said her angry boiled..

Teja: no no no mom was my mistake..

Km: not today Teja...

Teja:  mom but I need u ..

Km saw her ..and she felt she will deal with Bua lately...

Km took teja very carefully towards teja n Karan's room. ...

N told her to seat ...she slowly removed the glass from her leg...

Teja:ahhhh sunnyyyyy...

Km: just a sec baby ...

Teja: maa its paining..ahhh maa...

Kd heard tejas voice n came inside...

Kd:what happened..everything fine...what the hell is this...teja what happened  ..

Km was going to answer but teja didn't let her speak...

Teja: dad actually a glass slipped from My hand..

Kd: u should be careful na ...

Then while Km was doing dressing teja got a call from kk..

She put the call on speaker...

Teja: hello sunny did u reach...

Kk: teja how can u be so irresponsible...I had told u to attent the meeting without was dam important man ...y didn't u at least inform me ... Teja u have lost ur mind .....n I don't want any explanation because u gave me the best gift of life ...the mistake to marry u ...

He said this n cut the call...

Tears fall from her eyes ...


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