part-161(more romance)

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Kk: no jaan ... I know u r enjoying..

Then he started to press her other bo..os...

Teja:  ahh sunny slow down  ... u r so high today...

Kk: u know jaan ... having u after soo many days r soo hottt

He was saying while sucking her ...

Then after sometime he moved down towards her stomach n started to kiss her ...

Teja:  sunny please...
Kk: please what jaan...

Teja: please I want u .. n please open my hands...

Kk then started opening tejas hand ...while asking her...

Kk: where do u want Me jaan say clearly I m not understanding...

Teja:  ahh..sunny I want u inside me Please...

Kk: I will but this want u na ...

Kk told pointing her finger toward his length...

Teja then slowly got up n made him sleep on bed n came upon him n started to give love bites on his neck n chest...

Kk: ahh ..Teja...don't do ...ahhh ..

Then she slowly slowly moved towards his pants n started to remove it ...

Then she removed his last piece too ...n started to hold it in her hand ...

Kk: ahh jaan ..

Teja then started moving her hand up n down n slowly slowly she started increasing the speed..

Kk: ahhh. ....yes yes yes speed up baby ...ahh...

Then teja took his length in her mouth n started to go up n down ...

N soon kk released it in her mouth n she drank it ...

Then  .

Kk took her down on bed but very careful ...n he came up of her n removed her undergarment...

Kk started to rub her part ...then he increased the speed  ..

Teja: ahh Karan....ahh go speed ahh..

Kk then increased the speed n while running he put his fingers inside her hole n started to eat her part with his mouth...

Teja:  sunny feels so good...ahh ..don't stop ..don't stop..I m going to release...ahhh...

Then she too released n then kk took this length n put in her hole..

Teja: ahh sunny...speed speed  ..

Then they continue for another 2 hours n slept in each other's arms...

At mid night tejas eyes open n she was very hungry...

Teja:  yar I m so much hungry n I just want to eat cake n ice cream

Teja went out n searched to eat something but didn't find anything  ..

Then   ..

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