part-54(kk is angry)

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Kk told nurse to keep the food n go ..

Teja saw kk in puppy face..

Kk: whattt... u have to eat it ... n stop making the face .. u look very cute in that face...

Teja: I don't want to eat hospital food...

Kk: but we both have to recover soon na.. I promise after we recover I make food for u ..what ever u will say I will make

Teja: u will make for me really. ... promise...

Kk: promise baba...

Then kk n teja both had food .. in evening Dr came for checking them...

Dr checked kk

Dr: so Mr Karan now how r u feeling...

Kk: I m good Dr...

Dr told few things for nurse and then started checking Teja ...

Dr: mrs Karan... is there any problem...

Teja: yes Dr My right hand is paining a lot from afternoon...

Dr: ok

Dr to nurse: show me the scanning of her..

Nurse: Dr we didn't do scanning of her ...

Dr: but I had told u to take a scanning a long back ago.

Nurse: I m sorry Dr but I wasnot knowing.... the sister who was here left early today...

Dr: how careless is this.. how can u all do this...

Nurse: I m sorry Dr..

Kk: Dr whats all this... what's happening can u explain...

Dr: I m sorry Mr Karan actually we had told them to take a scanning of ur wife a long back ago ..n I thought I have checked it n there is no problem but now I got to know that this careless people didn't do scanning
Kk: how can u play with someone life... u all don't know we what all I can do ... if anything happens to my wife then u all sit and watch what I will do u...

Dr: sirr I m I will keep my eyes on each step...
By Saying this Dr left...


Karan: ha baby...

Teja: relax... nothing happened to me...

Kk: I know what happened n what not.. n y didn't u say before that u have pain...

Teja: I had very little pain..but now increased a lot ...

Teja could see kk was very much angry.

There was a knock...

Teja: come in

It was omi...
Omi: how r u bhai n bhabhi

Teja: we r fine..

Kk: omi come here call right now to the head of the hospital...

Teja: Karan

Omi: what the matter bhai...

Kk told everything to omi ....

Omi got soo badly angry....

Teja:  omi bhai...

Omi: no bhabhi this is wrong they can't just do this ...  let's show them who we r ...

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