part-107(back home)

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Kk : Dr Dr what happened how is she...

Dr: no need to worry Mr kundra... n it's a happy news for u that she is improving..n She is getting little little memory so due to pressure she is using due to which she fainted but no need to worry...

Kk:really Dr she is improving

Dr: yes n in very few days I hope she will remember everything...

Kk: Dr when can I take her

Dr: as soon as she wake up
N then Dr left

Kk ran inside the room where teja was there...

Kk went sat next to her n was waiting her to open her eyes...

After 1 hours teja opened her eyes...

Kk: finally...u r fine panda ...

Teja: sunny....

Kk: ha teja..

Teja: sunny what happened...

Kk: panda nothing happened

Teja: y r we in hospital..

Kk: yeah we r here for ur check up n u fall asleep..Don't u remember..

Teja: hm actually no I don't

Kk: come now let's go ...

Then they left to go home...

When they reached home teja sees that no one was home ..

Teja: sunny were r everyone...

Kk: mom n dad went out for a family function...will be back in few u rest I have some work I will be in study room..

Kk told while setting her on bed...

Kk was about to go..

Teja holds his hand..

Teja: sunny..

Kk sat next to her...

Kk: ha teja what happened

Teja: hmm..if u don't mind ..can u seat here n work..I m scared for being alone..

Kk:don't worry i will seat next to u n work ...just give me 2 min I will bring my files n then u keep ur head on my lap n sleep..

Teja: thank u so much sunny...

Then kk went and came back with his files n sat on the bed teja slept on his laps in no time then he made her sleep nicely n started his work...

Kk worked for few hours n then he too slept ...

But mid night teja got up n saw kk sleeping at distance from her so she went n slept on him...

Next morning teja woke up first...

Teja saw kk sleeping nicely n was seeing him when she ...

Teja to herself...

What do u think will will she remember everything...

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