part-39(shit fever)

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Next morning when kk woke up first he saw teja sleeping very he just kissed her forehead...

But but but ...

Kk felt her forehead very hot n when he checked he found she has fever...

Kk got scared n he directly call the Dr..

Dr:hello Mr kundra...

Kk: hi Dr.. Dr teja is having very high fever ...

Dr:no need to worry Mr kundra..

Kk: how can u say this Dr... y should I not worry... what do u think Dr....

Dr: wait wait wait Mr kundra let me speak..I was saying don't worry its just because of he injure is common I m sending u medicine.

Kk: ok Dr..

Dr: ok Mr kundra take care..

Kk to himself: shittt..yar what must be Dr thinking I m ... and y always my teja is suffering...

Kk then ordered the medicine online n went to get fresh...

After sometime he came out n saw teja sleeping peacefully so he went out..

Kk: good morning mom n dad..

Km: good morning baccha...

Kd:good morning sunny

Kk:dad again sunny...

Kd: ha because now I forgot u so now u r my sunny so I m calling u sunny..

Km:finally I can call u sunny too ..

Kk:thank u dad...

By saying this he hugged kd...

Km:how is my daughter sunny...

Kk: not fine maa... she Is having high fever..


Kk: relax dad I have had a talk with Dr n he told that it happened due to injuries so he told medicine I ordered it n I m waiting for that only..

Km: kk listen to me... take teja out of town for some days ... u both didn't even go to honeymoon too ... this all the things which happened I don't want it to get effected to u have a break ..

Kd: ha sunny ur mom is right..

Kk: yeah mom I will plan a very beautiful surprise for her..

There talks was broken by the door bell..

Km went n opend and came back after few min...

Km: take it is the medicine...

Kk: mom can I n teja go out today..

Km:sunny u don't need to ask permission...

Kd: ha u go but don't trouble my daughter..

Kk: hm dad ..

Then kk went up gave teja medicine...

Kk: teja I don't want to take u out from home .. I mean I wanted u to rest ..but there is something important we need to go...

Teja: no problem Karan let's go...

Kk: get read soon...

Then teja and kk got read and had there breakfast and left

Teja: Karan this is not our way of office right..

Kk: ha right because we r not going office..

Teja: then..

Kk:surprise baby surprise

Teja: Karan please say na I can't wait anymore...

Kk: just few min more then u urself see...

After they reached...

Kk: teja do u remember....

What do u think surprise is......comments down

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