part-145(teja went away)

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Teja: Raj my little baby ...come here

Raj went near teja n teja hugged him they both cried in each other's arms ..

Raj then met everyone n then teja..

Teja: come Raj let's go ..

Km: teja ..I will miss u ..

Kd: baccha take care of yourself n keep calling us ..n when ever u want u can come here ..

Teja: mom dad do not worry u just take care of ur health n u both r very important for me ..

With this she went towards prakash house

Kk was feeling so bad seeing tejaa leaving ..

Kd: so Mr Karan kundra happy ..

Kk: dad ...

Kd: what dad Karan...what did u do .. u named ur pure relationship a mistake n dear sister wow I m shamed to say I have any blood connection with u two....Karan ..bua hurted her physically but u have broke her fully ... I never thought I would say but it was my mistake that I let her marry u Mr Karan kundra...go handle ur business...

Km: leave this ..kd let's go in room ..

With this both went in room n kk to went towards there room n started crying like hell..

Here teja reached home n met dadi after so long .... she talked with Raj n dadi n slept in dadi's lap only ...then Raj made her sleep nicely..

Then next morning both kk n teja got up...both were missing each other a lot...kk had messaged teja more the 80 times .. but teja didn't even see it...

Teja got up n slowly carefully she walked n got fresh came down had some fruits Because she was not feeling to eat anything...

Dadi:teja have something more u r three do not u have to remember ur babies...

Teja: dadi I m not hungry now ..I will have something in office do not worry ...byee..

With this she came out slowly n booked cab n left to reach office...

Were as kk got up ..n just got fresh n left for office..didn't even had his tea ...

Kk reached first n was parking n saw teja getting down from a cab...he didn't say anything and walked away..n teja saw kk n ignored him n walked away..teja took the office lift were as kk was waiting for teja but when he saw teja taking office lift hurted him..

He just went up in lift ..n went towards his office n started doing work...n same was done by teja

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