part-37(km n kd r back)

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Kk and teja moved towards home when tejas cramps were getting horrible...

Teja: Karan..hmm mm..

Karan: say teja what happened ..

Teja: can I sleep on ur lap... I mean actually cramps r getting bad...

Kk: y r u asking baba come ...

Kk then slowly started to massage her head and then teja slept in no time ...kk was just looking at her till they reach n he felt that he wants time to stop right now...

Kk didn't wanted to disturb her sleep so he pick her up in his arms and went inside...

To his surprise km n kd were back n both got scared first by seeing tejas head bandage and then kk carrying him...

Km: Karan what happened to her baccha ...

Kk: nothing mom I will explain just let me make her sleep n come...

He went up n made her sleep nicely on bed and then went down...

Kd: Karan what happened...did u do something...

Kk: no no no ... let me say u what happened..

Then kk told everyone that happened...

Kd: how dare she ..Karan call the police and tell them that she should get the better punishment or else they will ..
Don't leave her Karan she hurted my daughter..

Km:my baccha..y God y r u doing all this to her..she is so pure ..y r u God.. please bless my baby..

Then kk moved towards room taking dinner in hand ...

Teja was still sleeping so he arranged little bit candles and food at balcony were the wind was very peaceful

Kk came to wake up teja..

Kk: teja get up...

Teja: Karan let me sleep na please...

Kk: no please teja get up ..have dinner and sleep...

Teja: no na Karan Please let me sleep...

Kk: ok u sleep... I had a surprise for u no problem sleep...

As soon as teja head surprise she get up and sit on bed ...

Teja: were is my surprise...

Kk: no no u want to sleep na sleep...

Teja: say na Please..

Kk: ok come ...

He takes her...

Teja: wowww...u did it for ne thank u thank u thank u ...

By saying this teja kissed kk on cheeks

Kk: if this response I will get ... I m ready to give surprise everyday ..

Teja blushed and then...

Teja:Karan come na let's have our dinner I m very hungry...

Kk: hm come

They had there dinner and then sat there for few min teja got up to go..

Kk holds her hand and she turns...

Kk: teja can we sit for sometime..

Teja: ok..

Teja was going to sit back on her chair but kk pulled her on his lap and she landed on him..

Teja: Karan...

Kk: shh...just feel the movement do not say anything...

Teja and kk both sat there with saying anything but there heartbeat were very fast...

Teja: Karan I want to say something...

Kk: ha teja say ... no wait before u say anything.. just wait for one min I will be back ..

Kk made teja sit very carefully and then went in room...

He cane back after 5 min with a hot bag in hand ...

Kk came took teja back in his lap and then placed hot bag ...

Kk: now say ..

Teja: Karan...

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Ok so today's question...
Something which is in ur heart u could remove it or say it Comments down...

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