part-45(where is teja?)

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Kk to himself : yar where the hell did she go....did she leave no no ..

Here teja left the home and went towards her home..

Teja to herself: I came but I didn't wanted to come... I don't want to leave him... I love him..

Then she started cleaning the home ...because it was closed from long time...

Here kk was waiting for teja to reach office...kk had called omi almost 20 time n now he again called omi..

Kk: omi did teja reach ..

Omi: no bhai..

Kk: omi do something n find her please...

Omi: ok bhai..

Kk: shitt...omi did she go to her home.. I mean it's her home but its not safe u know na Mr prakash..omi go search her please...

Omi : ok bhai..

Here near teja ..

Teja was making the dinner door bell rang...

Teja: who it might be should I open or no ..shit I m scared God help me ...

Teja went n opened the door n he was Mr prakash....

Teja: what the r u doing here..

Mr prakash: I m here to meet my daughter n teach her a good lesson...

Teja: please get out...

Mr prakash: no no let me first meet my daughter nicely...

He pushed her towards ground...

Teja: what hell do u need now ... u have already destroyed everything... what u want...

Mr prakash: I want ur death...I want to kill u ..because of u I m in this condition... I will not leave u alive ...

Teja: Mr prakash... Karan will not leave u ...if u even touch me...

Mr prakash:oo Karan... he left u right my daughter...he left u all alone n went to Dubai...right...see he always left u ...u deserve it ... u deserve to be alone...

Teja: no he didn't leave me... he is with me forever... n what do u think about.. u think if I die dad n Karan will leave u no no no ... u will suffer like hell... and Mr prakash... leave about my life say Me were is ur so called wife...left u ...oo sooo sad...

Mr prakash: tejaaa...

Teja: Mr prakash..don't dare to shout loudly...even I can do it ...

Mr prakash: what do u think about ur self...

He said and came to slap her .. teja who was on ground started moving back n back...

Teja to herself: teja today he will kill u ... I wanted to leave a life with Karan.. I think in my life I don't have the place of love...

Mr prakash was about to slap her... but but but...

What do u think it might b... ??

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