part-24(teja joined office)

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Then while watching the movie teja slept on kk's shoulder n kk was seeing the beautiful face ....

Kk to himself: dam man this girl will make ne go mad... how beautiful she is ... she is so cute she like a cute little kid while sleeping...I m falling for her day by day.

Thinking this he too slept....

Next morning teja wake up first and found herself in the most safest place in kk's arms ...

Teja some how slowly came out and then got fresh but did not change Because she didn't bring extra clothes...

She was making bf in kitchen when kk came towards her...

Kk: good morning...

Teja: good morning. ..

Kk: hmm teja we will be leaving in 20 min...

Teja: ok ...Karan came let's have breakfast..

Kk: haaa..

Then they both had breakfast n moved towards home ...

When they entered there was no one ...

Teja: where r mom n dad... r they still sleeping...

Kk: no actually I forgot to say u that dad got some important work in Punjab so he went n mom went with him...

Teja: ookk...

Kk: teja I have few meetings so u rest n don't do anything just rest...

Teja: Karan can I join the company from today actually I don't want to be home alone...I want to be with u ..can I

Kk: hm ok then go get ready I will also get ready we will leave in 30 min

Teja: ok boss..

Kk: what boss... here u n me both r boss..

Teja: no sir ... here u r boss I m under u ...

Kk: ok let's talk about this afterwards...go get ready

Then they both got ready n then kk was on call n was moving to driving sit

Teja: Karan can I drive...

Kk: hmm ..

While talking he gave keys to teja n teja sat n kk to sat ....

They reached office when kk realized that teja cabin is still under construction....and he wanted to surprise her....

Kk: teja ur cabin is still not at finalized.... so be in my cabin

Teja: ok ...

Both reached in kk's cabin...

Kk: teja he is omi my pa ... my brother ...

Teja: yeah I know him... I mean in our wedding I met him...

Omi: hello bhabhi...

Teja: hi omi bhai... how r u ...

Omi: good n u bhabhi...

Teja: me too...

Kk: omi she is going to work as the head in designing n I want u to increase the workers in the designing group n see for pa ...

Omi: ok boss...

Teja: Karan can I have a look of office...

Kk ...

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