part-35(who hit teja)

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Teja: Karan please relax see I m fine ..

Kk : baby u don't have idea what just happened in this past 30 min ... I felt like someone hit me with something...

Teja just didn't say anything ..

Teja: Karan can u do one thing....

Kk: ha say na what u want...

Teja: make me sit first..

Kk: but...

Teja: please..

Karan slowly made teja to sit on the sofa ...

Teja : now come here ...

She opened her hand for a hug..

Karan hugged her tightly n slowly carefully pulled her on his laps ..

After sometime they broke the hug n teja kissed kk's forehead ....

Kk was feeling very special at the moment...there thoughs were broken by the knock of the door..

Teja sat on the sofa and kk then

Kk: come in...

Omi: bhai here is the footage...

Kk : ok connect it to my laptop..

Omi: ok bhai...

Kk: teja baby u rest here I will come in 5 min ...

Teja:hm ..

Kk and omi started seeing the footage n were shocked to see that...

Kk: she did ...

Omi: bhai I will not leave can she harm my sister...

Kk: even I will not omi ...

Kk: omi call her in cabin...right now...

Omi: ok ...

Omi went outside...

Omi: Miss anushka...come the the boss cabin right now ...

Anushka: but ...y I mean ..ahh..y do boss want to meet me ...

Omi: u come with me right now or else If boss come then...

Anushka: ok ok I m coming...

Omi n anushka reached the cabin omi knock the door

Kk: come in...

Omi: bhai here she is..

Anushka: what happened sir ..

Kk: y did u do that ...

Anushka: what sir ...I m not understanding

Kk: anushka y the hell did u do that..

Anushka: what did I do sir ...

Kk: u don't know what u did ...

Anushka: no sir ..

Kk: ok then let me show u but not here let's go out...

Anushka: what si...rr.. no no ..

Kk: no now I gave u a lot of chances so talk no let me show u ...omi take her out and arrange a big projector..

Omi: ok bhai..

Kk then moved towards teja who got scared by seeing this side of kk....

Teja: ka..ran... leave it na...

Kk: teja not now Please... my baby get up let's go out side

Kk helped teja to walk out from cabin n then they reached projector room where everyone were present...

Kk: good evening everyone...I would not waste any time let's come to point ...omi play the video..

As everyone saw and as teja saw the way Anushka bet her she got very scared and hugged kk in front of everyone...

Kk took her in safe arms and did not let her move back..

Kk: so miss anushka what u want to say now

Comments: 40

I m uploading today without target completed but not next time.. if u all want next part complete the target n I will upload next...sorry to sound rude but I too want something if I m putting my efforts

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