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Here kk ...


Kk has reached Punjab n was about to reach hotel when omi called...

Kk: hi omi u both crack the deal.. I knew it...

Omi: bhai...hmm..

Kk: ha what happened omi...

Omi: bhai...bhabhi didn't come ...

Kk: what do you mean...

Omi: she told she is coming but then told she can't come...

Kk :what the hell ...

Omi: bhabhi I think bhabhi is in trouble...

Kk: n y do u think like that..

Omi: bhai when I talked with her in morning her sound was different n next time it was different.

Kk: I will see it say me what about the deal..

Omi: we could not bhai...

Kk: ok ...

Kk cut the call n he was very angry n disappointed from teja...

So he call her n told everything

Flashback end

Kk was seating n thinking that what ever he said was very wrong n didn't even give time to talk...

Kk to himself: shittt Karan...what the hell did u baby might be hurted so much...she might have some important work ...shittt.

Then kk soon finished the meeting n left back from Punjab...

N here teja was in lot of pain but she was so tired that she slept as it is ...

The blood kept flowing ....

When she was in deep sleep....Bua came in her room n put a jar of water on teja ...

Teja got up with shock n she was very scared...

Her past ran infront of her ... her breathing became uneven....

Teja: bua jii...what ...ha....ppe...ned

Bua: how dare u slept do not u have shame...o how will u have after getting married to kk ...oo no no no u have planned this trap..for marriage...I can clearly see that not even single day he is happy from heart.....u have destroyed him ...n now enjoying this all...u deserve for the punishment n for improving u I can do anything ...because I can see it was a mistake of kk who married u ...

After listening to all this it was like adding oil in the Fire.....

Teja got up slowly...she was unable to talk but slowly slowly with lot of pain she went in washroom changed n came back...

She slowly started walking toward her balcony...n as she was walking the blood flow was increasing...there were leaving the foot print...

As she reached balcony....she sat there and folded her knees toward her stomach n started crying...

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