Chapter 1

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Hope felt like he was floating in water. He felt weightless and at the same time he felt the pressure on his body. The pure, unadulterated silence was disturbed by a beeping sound. An extremely annoying one that roared louder in his ears. It feels like it is just over the surface. His body suddenly became very heavy and the noise louder.

It became unbearably loud. Make it stop, please, he pleaded inwardly. He then woke up from a long sleep. His eyelids began to tremble until he actually opened them once again. But he saw only blackness.

Where am I? He was confused and the loud beeps were joined by other noises, one was breathing, another snapping. Rattling, beeping, noise. It was incredibly loud. What's going on? Panic gripped him and the beeping became faster.

Then he heard a familiar voice.

"Hope! Thank God, Hope, you're awake," his mother cried.

He took a deep breath, confused. Why is she crying? What happened? Hope tried to remember, but there was nothing there. Why is it so dark here? Slowly, he took a deep breath and his breath came raspy. He tried anyway.

For the first time in a long time, he raised his voice: "Mum, why is everything black?"

Hope's mother had been with her adopted son as many times as possible for the past few months. He had been in a coma for months after being hit unexpectedly by a car and taken to the hospital. Evidently, he had numerous broken bones, internal injuries, and external cuts.

After countless operations, Hope had been out of mortal danger, even though he was in a coma. So he was silently lying there for more than half a year. His body had mostly recovered, but his mind had not. He just didn't wake up. The doctors said that this experience had been so traumatic for a twelve-year-old that his psyche refused to wake up.

She had come here as often as she could, even though she had to take care of her three-year-old daughter, whom she and her husband had received two years after Hope's adoption. She and her husband had decided to adopt because she simply couldn't get pregnant for unknown reasons. The fact that it worked out so soon after the adoption had been a miracle for her – a beautiful little girl.

Her adopted son, Hope, had run home after school when a car simply hit him, unbraked. The call had shocked the family, they had expected the worst. Fortunately, he was physically very light and his bones were still somewhat elastic due to his age, so the damage hadn't been fatal.

They were in good spirits that he would get well again and could lead a normal life except for the scars. She and her husband had been full of hope. Then he woke up, finally! His light blond hair rustled and his eyes opened. The familiar light green color radiated towards her. But to her horror, he asked her this question. She became cold, as if any heat was leaving her body. In a trembling voice, she asked, "Hope, what are you talking about?" He can't mean it.

"Mum, are you here?" the boy in front of her asked, looking at her. His eyes were open, they looked at her. But he doesn't see me.

"No," she said and began to sob. "Please, no."

Hope seemed stressed and the ECG began to beep faster and louder. The door opened and a doctor and nurse entered the room. "Hope, you're awake?" one voice asked.

Unsettled, the boy looked back and forth, but his eyes focused on nothing. "Yes, who are you? Where am I? What happened? And why is everything black?" he said frantically. The ECG became faster and faster.

"Calm down. You're in the hospital. You had an accident and you just woke up. It's all fine," the doctor said.

"Mrs. Baker, hold your son's hand, that will calm him down," he instructed the crying woman next to the bed.

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now