Chapter 23

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Again the loud beeping sounded. All he wanted was to continue floating in this calm. No noise, no pain, just peace. Then why did he feel such pain in his chest? Where does this emptiness come from? I don't want that.

Gradually, muffled noises reached his ears, which became clearer. Hope heard the breathing of three people in the room. Two were deep and stronger, one rather light. He also heard three heartbeats that accelerated as the beeping became faster. Especially the one that was furthest away began to get faster.

Hope took a deep breath and awoke from sleep. He blinked, but the darkness remained. That's right, I'm blind. What did he expect? But where was he? He felt a warm pressure on his left hand.

"Hope? Do you hear me?" a familiar voice asked.

He heard the concern. What happened? "Father?" he asked in a hoarse voice, coughing slightly.

"Yes, Hope. I am here. We are here. Oh God. I'm so glad you're okay."

Is it okay? Who else is here? Hope kept his eyes closed and took a deep breath. The room smelled of disinfectant and plastic. "Where am I?" he asked his father.

"You're in the hospital. You had an accident," his father replied.


"When you visited Mary, you flew out of the window and fell three stories," he continued.

At that moment, Hope heard the heartbeat pounding loudly in the corner, as if the person was having a panic attack.

"Hope, what happened?"

The heartbeat didn't seem to calm down.

"Accident? Fall?" he whispered. I fell out of the window? I was with Mary? Hope tried to remember. He knew he had gone to the hospital on his way home. He also remembered the elevator and that he had walked down the aisle, but then it became unclear. What happened then? A sharp pain shot through his head. He grabbed his forehead abruptly and tensed up. Indistinct shreds came to the surface. Then he heard a distorted voice.

"Listen to me carefully, Hope. You ... survive, .... what comes. You have to ... . Find him. ...., the darkness, ... light to shine... will be."

Hope gasped and began to sweat. The doctor tried to calm him down. "Hope, calm down. Don't force yourself."

Slowly his pulse calmed down and the beeping slowed down. Hope became very calm. "I can't remember. I don't know what happened," he said in a monotone voice.

The heartbeat in the corner suddenly slowed down and calmed down.

Something is wrong. He put his hand to his chest and his father looked at him worriedly. With a questioning look, he looked at the doctor.

"Hope, I'm going to examine you now. Tell me if you're in pain or if something hurts," the doctor said. He couldn't believe that the father had put so much pressure on the boy who had just woken up from his coma. With practiced grips, he examined the boy, who endured it silently.

The hand was still on his chest.

"Hope, do you have chest pain?"

Hope shook her head, which made the father exhale in relief. "No. But something is missing. I lost something," he said, and suddenly Hope felt hot tears running down his cheeks. What have I lost? What's missing?

The doctor didn't know what the boy meant. Physically, he was fine. Maybe his memory? "Good, I'm done. As it stands, you're okay so far. We will do a few more investigations, but then I think nothing stands in the way of dismissal. You can go back to your old life."

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now