Chapter 33

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"Now to my part of the deal. What I am now telling you is subject to the strictest secrecy. Hope, you are right, Aleksander is actually not human, he is a Deva," said the hell prince.

Both Hope and Sereph sucked in the air sharply, which surprised Astaroth and Lucan. Did they know about this breed?

"He has the same symbol on his palm as you, suggesting that you are also a Deva."

Sereph's hand closed tighter around Hope's hand. "What does this mean for me?" Hope uncertainly asked.

Astaroth's face darkened. It couldn't be a coincidence that Hope had just turned up, and Lucan knew that too. "That means you could be the carrier of empathy or knowledge."

The two had to digest that first.

In Hope's head, it began to work. The information began to shift back and forth. Is it possible that... "Aleksander is the carrier of time, isn't he? It has something to do with race. The three components in the prophecy are actually Devas, aren't they?"

Astaroth didn't have to answer at all, his heartbeat told Hope that he was right.

"Is that true?" his demon asked the other prince. Astaroth nodded. Sereph's heart contracted with fear. If Hope is part of the prophecy, then he is in danger. "Who else knows?" Sereph asked.

"Aleksander and Belial, Lucan and his mate, Lyric and Nix."

Sereph was silent. The circle was small, but they were all people you could trust completely. Lucan was absolutely loyal to Astaroth and Lyric was loyal to Belial. Nothing would hardly do anything that caused the end of the world. Only Lucan's mate remained.

"What about Lucan's mate? Can he be trusted?" Sereph asked. He knew nothing about him because Lucan kept him private.

"He's Aleksander's brother, so yes, you can trust him," Lucan replied.

"Brother?" Hope asked.

"Half-brother. They have the same mother," Lucan replied.

At first, Hope was silent, which unsettled the others somewhat. "So he's also a possible carrier?"

The Mazoku demon froze. "What did you say?" he asked in a hushed voice.

"If he and Aleksander are related, then he is half a Deva, assuming his mother was," Hope explained his theory. The fact that Lucan remained silent confirmed this.

Lucan's chest tightened. My heart could also be a carrier. It had never crossed his mind - but now that Hope had said it, it was a logical conclusion. Maybe that's why he was able to create the key. He remembered Lyric's statement.

"At the moment, apart from Aleksander, I'm the only one who can create the key. We must do everything we can to make this happen. If nothing happens, you have to keep me alive by all means.... even against my will."

Sereph saw the shock in Lucan's face, he felt the same as he did. He was afraid for his mate – but it wasn't yet clear whether both were carriers.

His heart expressed what everyone thought: "Apart from Aleksander as a carrier of time, there must be two others. If these must come from the previously extinct people of the Deva, it is very likely that it is me and your companion. "

Lucan disagreed: "No, it can't be Zack. He has no such sign."

Hope shook his head, "I didn't have that until a few days ago. Maybe it still waits to appear, maybe it is triggered by something."

Lucan bit his lower lip and remained silent. Then Hope continued, "Empathy is born. Maybe I'm empathy, because I died, went down to hell, and then was born again. I felt it when I returned to the human world – I had changed."

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now