Chapter 22

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The following week flew by. Hope enjoyed the time with his mate. Even though Nukio could hardly believe it, Hope now spoke their language fluently. He couldn't explain it, but Hope knew it couldn't be possible. Something had changed him, his way of thinking and absorbing and storing information.

Nukio attributed it to his connection to Sereph and his blood, but deep down Hope knew it wasn't. But this condition allowed him to move like a sighted man, as if his blindness were non-existent.

Jaden had taken over his combat training and pushed him to his limits every day. In the evening he fell into Sereph's arms, who lovingly embraced him. He had found his peace in hell at the side of a prince of hell, something he could never have dreamed of more than three and a half months ago. He had found peace.

Nix sighed. At least the last supplicant was gone. Sometimes they got on his nerves with their selfish questions and desires. But that's how their world was – it was always about oneself. Only his didn't work like that, it revolved around a single being, namely the absolutely hot demon that just entered the room. Tonight I'm going to make you scream, Nix thought with a smile.

Lyric looked at his oracle and made a serious face. What he would say now, Nix wouldn't like it, he knew that. "Latíz, we need to have a quick chat." He could understand the questioning expression on Nix' face, but he had to help his friend. "My dear, I will leave today and support Aleks and Belial in their search," he said, even though he knew that Nix wouldn't react well.

He leaves, alone? Obviously, otherwise he would have asked me if I wanted to accompany him. Nix looked at his demon silently. "Do what you think is right," he finally said, surprising Lyric.

"No uprising? No objections?"

Nix shook his head. "You aren't accountable to me. If you feel you need to help Belial, you can do that. I'm not your owner," Nix said, stepping close to his rune demon. He pressed a kiss to his lips and smiled. "But hurry up, because I hate waking up alone," he added.

Lyric put his hands on Nix' cheeks and kissed him deeply and sensually. He loved his mate more than anything. "I love you, Kəpək."

Nix just laughed.

Lyric then set off. He traveled through a portal to his best friend.

There was still a lot to do. Then he heard a laugh in his head. What the...? He felt the familiar tingling sensation and everything around him turned white.

When the vision ended, he leaned on the door frame, panting.

"No. Fate, you fucking bastard, you can't do that!" he cried. He clenched his fist and hit the wall. Fucking shit. I am not allowed to do anything. Fate had tied his hands. Eventually, I will kill him.

The god watched with amusement as the oracle angrily banged on the wall. "You didn't expect that, Nix, did you?"

A devilish smile spread across their face. "What are you going to do now? I can't wait to see what your next move is."

The following evening, Hope lay in Sereph's arms. Sereph had made him scream with lust in so many ways, so his voice was a little hoarse. Satisfied, he now lay on his demon and listened to his heartbeat. Is that luck? Is this paradise?

Sereph's hand stroked his hair and massaged his temples a little. "What are you thinking so hard about, Dhan?" his demon asked him.

Hope sighed with pleasure because the touches were so relaxing. Time to finally say it. He sat up and put his hand on Sereph's cheek. Hope clicked his tongue once to get a picture of Sereph in his mind's eye. "Sereph, there's something I need to tell you."

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now