Chapter 12 (with smut-scene)

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As so often, Hope lay bare-chested on Sereph's bare chest and enjoyed the warmth emanating from the demon. Over the past few days, they had slowly converged at a pace that was fine with Hope.

Hope rested thoughtfully with his chin on the backs of his hands, which rested on Sereph's chest. It feels more like we're in a relationship than that I'm his slave. The fact was that Sereph took time for himself and Hope whenever possible. And exactly these times were the best moments for Hope.

Since he lived with Sereph, he had the feeling that something had changed, but he couldn't believe it. His click sonar had become razor-sharp and his sense of the environment had also become more refined. He clicked his tongue once and immediately an image of Sereph's face appeared in his mind's eye, at least hypothetically. Carefully, he crawled upwards to press a gentle kiss to his lips.

Sereph enjoyed the closeness and touch with his heart, because it calmed and grounded him. Their relationship had progressed in the last few days and Hope's fear was all but gone. When the gentle kiss hit his lips, his pulse quickened for a moment. He loved it when Hope took initiative and also his innocent nature. It was something completely new to him and he enjoyed every second of it. Hope opened up a whole new world for him, which had been hidden from him until now. When a small tongue licked his lips, the demon willingly opened his mouth and let him in.

Hope's tongue stroked his softly and he returned the touch with joy. Their tongues danced and caressed each other as their breathing rate increased. Until now, Sereph had never been aware that a kiss could be so intense. He grabbed Hope's soft hair and stroked it.

Hope broke away from the demon's hot lips and took a moment. "May I touch you, Sereph?"

Sereph's heart began to beat excitedly and he answered in a hoarse voice, "Do anything you want. I'm all yours."

At these words, a slight blush covered Hope's cheeks and he looked shyly to the side.

*********SMUT SCENE********

He wanted to explore the body of the demon, all at his own pace. With his hands, he began to explore his chest from Sereph's neck slowly over his collarbone to his ribs. He had a broad muscular chest, but the muscles were lean rather than thick. He continued over his midriff to his navel, which he circled.

A slight moan escaped the demon and Hope felt that Sereph was getting hard. His heart began to beat faster and excitement spread through him. Was he ready yet? Curiosity and reason struggled, but this time reason lost. He ran his fingers over Sereph's lower abdomen until he hit the edge of his underwear.

Sereph had his eyes closed and struggled to keep his hands still. With the feather-light touches, his human drove him crazy. Hope's scent deepened a little and ensnared him enticingly. When he felt Hope's fingers stroke over his hardness without warning, he sucked in the air sharply. Even if there was fabric in between, the touch was very intense and made him shiver.

Hope stroked Sereph's length once and back again. Then he grasped it through the fabric of his underwear and rubbed it along. He's big. Bigger than Hope, but that turned him on even more. His own erection pressed lightly against Sereph's thigh and he began to rub against him subconsciously.

The human didn't even seem to realize what he was doing to Sereph. With his hand, Hope ran under the waistband of the pants and pushed it down to free Sereph's hard cock. He wanted to touch and feel it directly. When he touched him directly for the first time, Sereph twitched with excitement and a soft moan escaped the demon.

Hope slid up a little and began to kiss Sereph again while his fingers continued to torture him. His human increased his desire, which made it increasingly difficult for him to maintain his control.

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