Chapter 4

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Immediately after the violin lessons, Hope made his way to the hospital, as he had done for the last three days. His little sister Mary had had an accident and was in the hospital. They were eight years apart and yet he loved her idolatrously. With the violin on his right shoulder, he ran into the elevator and drove to the fourth floor.

Iris sat at the bedside in front of her young daughter, who was lying on the bed with an oxygen mask, the ECG connected to her chest. She hated hospitals, she had lost too much of her lifetime here. Again, a child lay in front of her, unconscious. She could hardly bear it, not her little angel. Fear devoured her chest and she trembled. "Please wake up, my darling." But her little one continued to sleep.

"I would do anything, please dear God, make her wake up," she prayed towards heaven.

Then a beautiful voice sounded behind her: "Really anything?"

Frightened, she turned around. Her breath stopped when she saw the man with the face of an angel. He had red eyes, alabaster skin and black hair with a green shimmer. Behind him stood an equally stunning man with silver hair and black eyes, who was slightly taller.

Did God hear me and send His angels? Iris needed something to find her voice again. "Yes, anything."

The angel smiled. "I can help your daughter recover, but that comes at a price," he said in a soft voice.

"What do you want?" Iris asked, completely spellbound.

"I want your son," he said.

Iris was confused, what did he mean by "wanting him"?

The man stepped closer. "Your son's life in exchange for your daughter's."

She didn't know what she wanted to say. The silver-haired man also didn't seem to know what his companion wanted. Hope's life for Mary's?

The black-haired man seemed to notice her struggle, adding, "You don't have much time left. If you hesitate, she will die."

As if the stranger had guessed it, Mary's ECG suddenly began to beep alarmingly. Panic gripped Iris. She must not die.

Hope stood stunned at the door to his sister's hospital room. He had heard a stranger in his mother's room offer to save his sister. His condition was Hope's life. What does he mean by that? Is this a crazy person? I should call the police as soon as possible.

At that moment, he heard his mother's loud sobbing and anxious wheezing. "I agree. Please, save my daughter."

Hope froze, had he just heard right? No, that cannot be the case. Suddenly, the door was torn open and he was dragged into the room. He fought back and was able to free himself from the grip.

"Hope?" a frightened voice sounded.

He looked in the direction from which his mother's voice came and looked at her in horror.

"Did you hear it? Your life for your sister's," said the foreign voice.

No, she didn't. "I am your son. Why?" But he knew the answer, he was not her biological son. Mary was her biological daughter, of course her life was more important than his. Maybe it was better that way, then his life would at least have had a meaning. He stopped all resistance and looked to the ground. Mary.

"Your soul has consented," he heard the voice. "Heal her," said the stranger.

The silver-haired man went to the girl and healed her. Iris saw the ECG calm down and her breathing return to normal. Then her hand began to twitch and her eyes blinked. Unbridled joy shot through her chest. "Mary!" she sobbed with joy. The angels had saved her.

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now