Chapter 16

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When he was gone, Lyric moved for the first time, circling his frozen joints. Then he looked at his oracle. In a calm tone he spoke, even if he seethed inside: "Nix. What happened here?"

Nix looked at him. "I gave him some of my blood."

Lyric was speechless.

Tori looked at him. "I see. So you want to trigger what he mentioned about Sereph's blood? It wasn't stupid, but it was dangerous. If his body had refused your blood, it could have ended really bad."

Nix stood up and said louder than intended, "I know. But we have no alternative, damn it. If he doesn't get stronger, it will mean our end. I haven't suffered for centuries and risked my life to finally find my heart and for him to be taken away from me after a year."

Lyric looked at him and for the first time he understood Nix' actions. He doesn't want to lose me – no, us. The burden of getting us all through this time rests entirely on his shoulders. If he makes just one mistake, it could mean our end.

He took his beloved one in his arms and gave him a loving kiss. "It's OK, Kəpək. I am here. I'm not going to leave and we'll do it together," Lyric whispered and Nix embraced his mate. He began to tremble in his arms and Lyric felt his hot tears against his chest. Reassuringly, he stroked his head over the head.

Tori had withdrawn to give them their privacy.

"Latíz, never forget, we carry this burden together. All of us. Together."

Nix sobbed. "I know. And yet there are many things I can't tell you. I hate it. I don't want to upset you or make you angry. I'm sorry I'm so weak and useless."

Lyric laughed softly. If anyone was weak, he wasn't. "Don't talk nonsense, Kəpək. We are both strong enough to get through this. After all, we don't want our little ones to grow up in a world of destruction," Lyric said affectionately.

Nix looked at him with reddened eyes and laughed. "Do you want children with me?" he said, whispering.

"Why not?" Lyric replied with feigned surprise.

"Because they're going to be a mess when they come after me," Nix said, still hugging him. He wiped away his tears and squeezed his back.

"Yes, they will. Absolutely."

The moment of weakness was over. Lyric grabbed his lover's hand and together they went to their rooms, where they laughed and shared their love.

Hope was getting worse and worse that evening and the following day. He could hardly get out of bed, every movement was an imposition on his ears. If I catch this oracle, then... But how could he? Focus. It couldn't go on like this. He had to get out of this hellhole.

He had noticed that something had changed. In the past few hours, an image had manifested itself before his eyes. He couldn't explain it exactly. It was like a kind of map on which everything Nix had said was recorded. The prophecy, time, empathy and knowledge, Sereph and him, and the rest he had learned about hell. An order had formed in it that allowed him to see everything very clearly.

Now it was clear to him what role he would play, at least that's what he assumed. He was Sereph's heart – thus his greatest weakness. If he died, Sereph would follow him. As a result, the structure of hell would be thrown out of balance. There would be a war for succession, which would allow their enemies—Telos – to advance the prophecy. Telos. Interesting that they chose the Greek word for 'end.' Greek? How did he know? Damn, I'm going crazy. Surely someone had mentioned that.

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now