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Nix sat on his throne and looked into the void. He rubbed his forehead to dispel the headache. The three carriers have now come together. Now it's time to wait until Aleksander's and Belial's son is born. That would take about four months.

Aleksander and Belial had now found all the answers. Only the third key had to be recovered, but they would only be able to do so after the birth of empathy. Until then, Nix had to plan his next moves.

It was strange. The future was milky, unclear. It hadn't yet formed, it would only form with the decisions of the selected key people. It was as if she refused. He couldn't describe it.

Which decision would provide clarity? Nix didn't know. Telo's actions weren't visible either - but he knew they were planning something, just not what. There was an unknown that made the equation unsolvable at the moment, but which one?

A tingling sensation set in. Would he now get clarity? Everything turned white.

Nix awoke with a scream. Lyric came running into the room and pulled his companion crouching on the floor into his arms.

"No, no, no!" Nix gasped. His body trembled. At that moment, the stranger had revealed themselves and it was worse than he thought.

"He must not find him!" Nix shouted, and then fell unconscious.

Lyric was terrified, didn't know what to do. He took his lover and carried him in his arms to their bedroom. He stroked Nix' pale face and whispered, "What did you see, Kəpək? Who can't find whom?"

But Nix remained silent.



That was "Hope - a fateful moment". I would like to thank all the readers who accompanied them until the end and cheered for them.

Hopefully we'll see you at "Aleksander - a fateful decision". ;D

If you liked the story, I'd love to see a few stars. Until then!

Your Mouse Goddess

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now