Chapter 30

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One day, Ambra took him on a trip. They went to a small pond nearby and sat down on a stone.

"Djalë, I'm going to tell you something about my people today. It's an important lesson and you need to know about it, because it's your people too.

Millennia ago, the races of demons, humans, angels and a fourth race that is already extinct – the Deva – emerged. But the races didn't get along, so the gods decided to divide the world into three realms – heaven as the home of angels, earth or human world as the home of humans and Deva and hell as the home of demons.

What many didn't know, however, there was a world next to this one. It is a kind of shadow world where the souls of the deceased linger. Everything is a big cycle, souls leave the earthly world and eventually return. However, the souls of humans, demons and angels were also kept separate.

The shadow world of demons can only be reached from hell, that of angels only from heaven. However, none was provided for the people, so it was decided that they should either go to hell or to heaven to an area designated for them there. Souls who were guilty were to serve their sentences in hell, the others went to heaven.

We soul reapers are beings created for one purpose only. Our task is to decide where the souls go, determine the punishment for the souls and accompany the souls to their destination. The dying cannot see us, but we can reveal ourselves to them just before their soul detaches from the body. With our hand we build a connection to the soul by touching the navel – the seat of the soul. We see their whole life and then decide what should happen to the soul."

Ambra paused. Sereph had listened attentively to her and waited curiously to see what else she had to say.

"Fifty years ago I met your mother for the first time. She was dying and I was there to reap her soul. From the first time I saw her, I knew she was different. I have never revealed myself to a dying soul before, but for her I did it for the first time. I wanted her to look me in the eye.

"The eyes are also the mirrors of the soul, you can read in them what kind of being it is. Her eyes were the most beautiful and purest I had seen. These eyes showed no fear, no, they showed amazement and a warmth that I have not felt in all the millennia of my existence.

"I never thought about my task, never questioned it, but for the first time I hesitated. I touched her navel and learned everything there was to know about her. But there was nothing to repel me. She was the most wonderful creature I had ever met – passionate, wild, sincere and kind. At that moment, I knew I couldn't take her with me because I wanted to be by her side. If she had entered the realm of the deceased, I would never have seen her again, she would simply have disappeared. So I decided to save her. I gave her a part of my soul and saved her life.

"We fled here from the scene of her impending death and made the bond of mates. Despite many difficulties, we built a life here and a few years later Lidia received you – our miracle. You make our happiness perfect, Djalë."

Sereph felt a warmth and connection to his mother that he had never felt before. His mother had already told him about the bond of mates and the fabulous heart, but what his mother told here testified to such depth that his young mind couldn't yet grasp.

"Djalë, I broke a taboo fifty years ago. No soul reaper is allowed to spare or even send a soul back to life whose time has come. A punishment awaits me for this taboo. Even if it hasn't yet occurred, they will eventually find us and hold us accountable. Should that day come, you must be strong enough to survive on your own. You will have to hide your soul reaper half and must never reveal it to anyone. Until then, I will do everything I can to make you strong, Djalë. Never forget, we love you and will always be by your side, even if we no longer exist."

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