Chapter 25

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After PE, they showered and the others were already on their way home. Today Steve would do it, he would confess his feelings to Hope. He had waited four months for this.

Unfortunately, he had been intercepted by a classmate right outside the locker room and Hope had left. He knew Hope was waiting for him in the music room. Along the way, Steve began to ponder. Hope had changed a lot since his discharge from the hospital. It was as if he wasn't really there. He lacked the liveliness and joie de vivre that Steve loved so much about him.

I miss his laughter when he takes me in his arms.

It was as if Hope had lost all feelings. He showed hardly any emotion on his face and his voice was calm and monotonous. He just needs time to find his way back into his life. Steve wanted to stand by his side. I will give him what he needs. I'll get him back.

In recent months, the what-if had tormented him all throughout. What if he had accompanied Hope that day? What if he had confessed his feelings to him before? What if...? But now the time had come. I hope it's not too late. He had almost reached the music room when he heard the soft voice.

He heard the melody of Hope's voice, accompanied by a piano. He recognized the song of I Prevail – one of Hope's favorite bands – but he had never heard it like this. Silently, he sat down outside the door and closed his eyes.

"Now it's hard when you're always searching
"For the life that you left behind...
"I don't belong here, I don't belong here, I don't belong..."

The intensity of grief gripped Steve and tears ran down his face. Hope, why? Why are you so sad? What are you missing? Why don't you want to be here? All these questions were buzzing in Steve's head. The melody faded away and took the magic with it.

Steve stood up and wiped his face. He took a deep breath and opened the door. In front of him sat Hope at the piano. Did he play? Since when can he play the piano? But what disturbed him most was the look on his best friend's face – grief and longing. What have you lost, Hope?

Hope turned his head to the person who had entered, immediately realizing it was Steve. Right, he wanted to talk to me. Carefully, Hope closed the lid to the keyboard and turned to his friend. He heard Steve's rapid heartbeat, sensing his nervousness. "You wanted to discuss something with me?" Hope asked, because he wanted to go home. No, not really, but he didn't want to sit here either.

Steve looked at Hope and nervously tapped the waistband of his T-shirt. Come on, you wretched coward. No more waiting, no more what-ifs. Now is your time. Steve's heart was pounding fast and fear constricted his throat. He took a few deep breaths to calm down. "Hope, we've known each other for almost three years. We have done crazy things and have experienced a lot. You have made me a better person, a better version of myself. When I was stuck or needed your help, you were always there for me. I-" but Steve stopped. Would he really confess his love for Hope? But he clenched his fist.Yes, dammit.

"Hope, I lo-"

A loud whistling sounded and the room began to vibrate. The air became heavy, as if it were thick. Steve felt a pressure on himself that made it difficult for him to breathe. Gasping, he sank to his knees and put his hand to his throat. He squinted his eyes, gasping for air.

Hope felt it, felt the whole environment tremble. He heard Steve sinking to the ground, felt the pressure rising, but it had no effect on him. What's going on? Then a pair of large, warm arms wrapped around him. The surroundings were suddenly bathed in an aroma of pine and musk. When Hope smelled this scent, he froze. How do I know this scent?

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now