Chapter 14

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Lyric waited impatiently. He didn't have a good feeling about the fact that Nix had gone alone. Especially since he had no idea where and why. He only knew that he should wait for him here. Here in front of the bridge to the realm of the deceased. This cannot bode well. I have a very bad feeling.

And this feeling shouldn't deceive him. The air vibrated and a portal appeared, from which his mate stepped out with another person. He fell to his knees when Nix let go of him.

Lyric gasped, because he recognized the boy. This is the boy who... He couldn't be wrong. What is he doing here?

The boy cried and trembled.

Nix, what did you do? Lyric looked questioningly at his beloved.

The oracle sighed. "Hope, calm down. I don't really feel like it either, but there's no other way."

Now Lyric spoke up. "No, what is the boy doing here and who is he?"

Nix looked at him with his head tilted. Uh, that's going to be uncomfortable. Lyric will be angry with me. "This is Hope. The human soul from the hospital. He's Sereph's heart. I kidnapped him from Sereph's estate and negotiated a month in which we would train him in Tori's realm." It was quite simple.

Lyric's mouth dropped open. He did not do that. That's a bad joke. He looked at the trembling boy.

"Please, please bring me back. Take me back to Sereph," he sobbed.

The mark of the hell prince shone like a beacon on Hope's skin. Fucking shit. "Nix. Are you forsaken by all good spirits? You're starting a war. You can't just kidnap Sereph's heart," Lyric said, not knowing what had gotten into his mate.

Nix looked at him calmly and answered: "Of course, I can, because his soul is mine." To underline his statement, his mark on Hope's naked navel lit up.

Hell. We are fucked. We are so dead when Sereph finds us.

"We don't have time, Ly. We must enter Tori's kingdom immediately," the oracle said. "Take Hope over your shoulder and carry him for me."

Lyric didn't know what to answer, but the seriousness on Nix' face worried him. He sighed and went to the boy crouching on the ground. "Hope, right? I am Lyric. I will lift you up now. If I hurt you, please let me know. But as soon as we enter the bridge, you are no longer allowed to speak. That's important," Lyric said in a soft voice.

Hope recognized the voice immediately. "You were the other one who healed my sister. Please bring me back," he pleaded with the demon in front of him.

Lyric's face went dark. "I can't, Nix has a plan. He will explain it to us. Please be patient and... trust Him."

Trust? He should trust his murderer? That was a bad joke, wasn't it? But then he was lifted up and thrown over the demon's shoulder.

Nix spoke in a serious voice: "Hope. From now on, you are not allowed to talk anymore. Anyone who speaks in the realm of the deceased must never leave it again. If you make even a sound, you will never see Sereph again. Did you understand?"

Hope nodded anxiously and pressed both hands to his mouth.

Lyric began to move. "Hope, this is going to be uncomfortable, but suppress the need to speak," the demon said, stepping onto the bridge. Immediately they felt the pull.

With every step, Hope felt that the air was being squeezed out of his body. He gasped, pressed his hands even harder on his mouth. When they reached the end of the bridge, the incredible pressure fell off him in one fell swoop. He was breathing heavily. What was that?

Hope - a fateful moment (Vol.4) ✅️Where stories live. Discover now