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Maybe it's just me.

Maybe it's just me who doesn't seem to understand anything at all in this world.

Sometimes I feel like I don't show people how much I like them.

I definitely don't like everybody. There's a few people.

Elliot, Eden, Nio, Tony, Mom, Ronan, Victoria, Theo, Miles, Azora,

Thats a number of people I like. That's it.

Even Azora is there, because though I may seem to hate her guts sometimes, she's been there for me.

When mom died, when dad cheated on mom.

We didn't keep contact over the years. I chose not to.

Its our fourth day here, and so far, dad and I have been fighting.

I'll be lying if I said I mind it. I don't mind it, at all. It gives me more peace, not talking to him.

Elliot walks over to me and hands me the glass of whiskey.

"I'm really fucking tired." I mutter, drinking from the glass.

Azora smiles. "That's what you get for coming back to the room at 3AM, and watching the TV all night."

I roll my eyes. "I wasn't tired."

"Yeah, well now you are." She answers.

I finish the glass and hand the glass to Elliot. "Another one."

Azora snatches the glass from Elliot's hold.

"No, that's it for you. Go to sleep." She says.

I glare at her. "No thanks."

Azora sighs and closes my eyes with her hands.

I try to open my eyes but she keeps pressing my eyeballs with her hand.

"You know, his eyes could come out." Nio says.

"Don't care. He needs to sleep." Azora mumbles.

Sooner or later, I end up really falling asleep.


I wake up with the sound of giggles. Its definitely Azora.

I groan and open my eyes.

Why am I sleeping by the pool?

Why is the sun shining to brightly?

I'm laying on my stomach so I turn around and sit up, and find Nio, Tony, Elliot and Azora giggling like idiots.

"Why the fuck are you four giggling like kids?" I ask, running a hand in my hair.

"You have a big dick." Elliot says.

"I know." I answer back.

"Mustache man with a big penis." Nio says, trying hard not to smile.

I grab my phone and look at the reflection.

Oh, would you look at that?

Another mustache.

I walk away and walk to the public bathroom and head to the sinks.

I turn around and find a dick on my back.

These idiots put sunscreen on my back and drew a dick.

I sigh and wash my face, and head back to the pool.

I grip Elliot's ear and drag him to the pool and push him in.

Nio and Tony were already by the pool so I just push them in the water.

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