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Maybe after months, im finally happy. I'm finally feeling like me.

And I wouldn't change the story in any other way.


Love was never real for me. The image of my parents fighting for days made me think love was in books and movies, in another world which didn't exist.

But someone proved to me that love indeed was real.

Not only romantically but platonically. Because I didn't just fall in love with Azora, I had been in love with her for as long as I can remember, I was just too blind to notice that.

I loved her since the first time I saw her.

Which was why I took her drawing and kept it with me for years, I let her draw mustaches on me, I took the blame for burning the kitchen down, even though it was her who did it, I never said anything when she would secretly cut strands of my hair when we were 6, I purposely failed many of my tests just to see her happy.

She means so much to me and the fear of losing her still haunts me. Losing her for only four weeks hurt the fuck out of me, losing her forever would kill me.

Without her im nothing.


"Fuck the politics bro." Theo mutters, storming in the room.

"What did politics do to you?" Azora asks.

Theo opens his mouth to speak but Azalea cuts him off. "We don't care, sit your ass down and have some beer."

Theo rolls his eyes and sits on the couch with us.

"I saw a naked guy last night." Azora mutters.

"Was it Ezra?" Theo mutters, sarcastically.

"No." Azora mutters.

My head snaps to hers. "Who was it?"

"I don't know. I was just walking to the shops because I wanted chocolates but this guy ran up to me- he was drunk and  looked young- he pulled down his pants and I just almost cried because I saw his dick."

I blink. "Why the fuck were you out alone at night?"

"Relax, sherlock. It was the store down the road, plus you weren't answering my calls!"

"I told you I left my phone at the dorm." I mutter.

She rolls her eyes at me.

"Don't roll your eyes at me, dumbass." I mutter.

"You are so annoying." Azora exclaims.

"Yes! Thank you- oh my god, he's so fucking annoying!" Miles yells.

"Hey, he's not annoying." Azora glares at him.

I smile.

"What? You literally just said he's-"

"Okay? Doesn't give you the right to say it as well."

"I am allowed to, he's my best friend-"

"Shut up, Miles." I say.

Miles gasps. "You did not- don't talk to me, I don't like you, Theo is so much better than your ugly stupid dumbass ass and I don't like you. Freak."

Azora shakes her head. "Im going to go back to my dorm, night freaks."

And then I follow after her silently till we reach her dorm.

She walks to her room and sits down on the bed. I walk over to her and kiss her lips.

She cups my cheek, deepening the kiss. I swallow as she pulls me down on the bed and hovers over me as she takes off my shirt.

I don't say anything, only breating loudly as she kisses my neck as I grip her hips.

She unbuttons my jeans, pulls them down and then my boxers are off.

Oh, god.

"Fuck." I whisper as she takes me in her mouth. All of me.

I look down at her, leaning my head against the headboard as sweat drips down my face as I feel an erection.

Just as I was about to come, she pulls away, looking at me with her pretty eyes.

"Baby, stop that." I whisper as she straddles me and takes off her shirt and underwear, leaving her in a bra only.

"Azora." I whisper and she kisses my face but not my lips.

And then she finally takes a condom, puts it on me and slowly slides herself into me, a moan leaving her lips.

My breath hitches as she starts moving, I try to grab her hips but she pushes me away.

She rides my dick until I'm close and pulls away.

Tears pool in my eyes.

"Why are you crying?" She asks, frowning.

"Why won't you let me touch you?" I whimper.

She grins and kisses my lips and rides me again until I come inside of her.

I swallow as she pulls away, kissing my lips.

She wraps her arm around me and lays on my chest as I catch my breath.

"I love you."

I run a hand through her hair. "I love you."

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