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☆E Z R A☆

Seeing Azora yesterday, was probably the worst thing I've experienced.

I don't know why I care, but I do.

Here she is, sitting next to me, staring at her nails, frowning at them.

"Love?" I say, frowning.

"Yeah?" She asks, looking up at me with her beautiful eyes.

"I didn't know you still had panic attacks." I mumble.

She smiles. "Well, now you know."

"You get them daily?" I ask.

She nods. "Yeah, usually once or twice per week."

I nod. "Has it ever gone really gotten bad?"

She nods. "Yeah. A few times, I ended up fainting and went to the hospital."

"You were alone?" I ask.

She nods. "Yes. Most of those times. It was when I wasn't used to them. I know how to control myself now."

I swallow. "I'm sorry I wasn't there."

She smiles. "You couldn't have been there, even if you wanted to."

I nod. "If I could, I promise I would've been there."

She nods. "I know."

"Thats so sweet." Elliot says.

I sigh and close my eyes, stopping myself from punching him in the face.

Instead, I grab a pillow and beat his face with it multiple times.

Azora laughs and grabs my arm, pulling me away from him.

"When did you wake up?" Azora asks.

"Well, 'bout thirty minutes ago." He says.

"Im going to go get ready for breakfast." Azora says.

I head behind her to and we go change.

After I'm ready, in a dark blue sweatshirt, and black pants, I watch as Azora walks out in a short summer dress.

We walk out and join Nio, Tony and Elliot who were waiting by the door.

"Hey, what do we do with dad?" Azora asks to Nio.

"Just ignore him, ill get us a table away from them. It'll be fine, promise." Nio answers.

Azora nods and walks next to me.

"Are you okay?" I ask.

She nods.

We walk downstairs and I watch as Ronan's eyes light up and he approaches us.


Nio stands infront of Azora.

"Back the fuck off." Nio snaps, glaring at him.

"Nio, please. Just let me explain." He says, walking past him.

He walks to Azora and holds her hand, but Azora snatches her hand back.

"Stop. Leave me alone." She says, her voice shaking.

"Azora, please." He begs.

"Did you not fucking hear her?" I ask, glaring at him.

He sighs and walks away.

Nio grabs Azora's hand and walks her to another table, far from the others.

She sits down and I sit down next to her.

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