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Azora's POV

Today's the big day. Its about 5.30 PM, and I just finished getting ready.

I haven't seen any of the others today, they're all busy.

I'm wearing blue ripped jeans and the Jersey, black and gold. Ezra gave me a Jersey yesterday.

Its his. Everyone got a plus Jersey and he gave it to me. Its got his number, 27 and his name on it.

I've just finished putting my makeup on and straightening my hair. I slip on my converse and shove my phone in my pockets.

I meet Azalea, Adeline, Nio and Elliot downstairs.

I know Colombia has arrived. They made a whole scene. Bunch of cars arriving with their music.

We walk to the field and get our tickets. After that, we find a seat which is a little at the top.

The arena is a full house tonight, its packed. Its divided into two parts. Our side is filled with a black and gold color, the other side is filled with their prison orange and black.

I look around and lean back.

At about six, the players walk from the door.

Lined up, the Colombia's team arrive and stand in a line in the middle of the field. A loud cheer erupts from their side.

I feel my phone buzz.

Ezra: come downstairs by the fence.

I quickly let the others know I'll be back and go down the stairs.

I reach the fence and just then, NYU arrives. Ezra quickly runs to me and smiles.

"Hi." He says.

I roll my eyes. "Why'd you call me here?"

He grabs my jaw. "For this." He smashes his lips against mine.

I hear a bunch of murmurs behind me and he pulls away. He grins. "For goodluck."

He lets go of me and goes back to the players.

I find my seat back and watch as they do the coin toss. Luckily, we get it.

They arrange their positions and the huge board lights up, displaying the goals.

Theo has the ball, so he passes it around with the other players.

After about 30 minutes, we're doing nothing at all. All they're doing is passing the ball around.

William and Ezra seems to be irritated. We all are.

Suddenly, a dog arrives and runs around the field. A laugh erupts around the stadium.

Its a small dog, black colour.

All the players stop what they're doing and watch as the dog walks sassily to the middle of the field.

The dog takes the ball and bites it and the ball makes a loud noise before it deflates.

Ezra shakes his head and walks over to the dog. I smile as he talks to the dog.

Suddenly, the dog barks.


Ezra's POV

I flinch as the dog barks.

Theo approaches me and pushes me. "God, you know absolutely nothing, do you? You've got to be nice."

I watch as Theo approaches the dog. "Hi, buddy. Listen dude, you're cute but we're playing a game right now."

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