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Azora's POV

Jennifer, the new women of the month for Killian.

I was most definitely right. Killian would barely survive a year with a woman.

Its been absolutely terrible these past few days. I've definitely lost my father, I've been suspended, my father raised his hand at me. First time!

All 5 of us; Ezra, Eli, Nio, Tony and I are suffering badly.

All because of our fathers. Fuck fathers, you know? Who needs them? Not me. I'm doing just fine.

Elliot has been staying with us for the past week. As well as Eden.

Elliot immediately called when he found out Killian was getting married once again, and Ezra was completely worried.

We talked to the principal, it wasn't easy to convince him to let Elliot stay with us.  We had to pay extra as well. He'll be staying with Ezra till he's 18. It was a big job, but we did it. He's going to a private school a few minutes away from here.

Eden though is a big secret. No one knows whats happening around here. But, Heather is coming by to pick her up.

I'm really, really sad about it. I just hope she gets the home she deserves. Shes been through a lot, especially for a 5 year old. I hope Heather is the mother she needs.

We've all packed her things and we're waiting outside. Over the five days she's been staying here...it hasn't been going great. But we've managed.

We all had to balance schedules to look after her. Theo, Miles and Lea helped out a lot as well. They grew a close bond with her.

Now she's going back. I'm crying, Theo, Lea and Miles as well.

This is so frustrating. I hate that she's going.

A white Mercedes pull up. The car door opens, and a gorgeous woman walks out.

She's got brown braided hair, caramel skin, very nice lip and eyebrows as well.

"Hi, kids. I see everyone loves baby Eden." She says, smiling.

Ezra clenches his jaw and hands Eden over to Heather.

"Elliot and Ezra, may I talk to you both?" She asks.

They go to the side and talk between eachother.

"I know this is emotional, and worrying. Don't you worry, I'll take great care of her, and im moving to Italy...come by and see us anytime." Heather says.

Ezra kisses the top of Eden's head, Elliot does the same. Soon, they're gone.

Lea starts sobbing. "Oh god! She's gone, she was such a great listener. She never laughed at me and always made me laugh."

We all head back to our respective dorms, except for me.

I walk into Ezra's apartment, and frown at Theo and Miles.

They are...talking to a mannequin?

"What are you two doing?" I ask, tilting my head.

Theo smiles. "Oh, hello. We are practicing our skills at women. See? Shes already blushing."

"Okay...Where's Ezra?"

"In his room, but I'm better than him. Choose me instead." Theo says.

I chuckle and walk to Ezra's room. I knock on the door and he mutters a 'what?'. Not a very nice tone either.

I open the door, and there he is, on the bed, looking up at the ceiling, smoking and shirtless.

I sigh and sit on the bed. He glances at me with his blood shot eyes.

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