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☆E Z R A☆

Being alone and loneliness is two different things.

Alone is being somewhere, with just yourself, but you have someone you can count on, but that someone isn't next to you, but they are here.

Lonely is the opposite. Its being alone, with no one by your side. No one to count on.

Being lonely can be something you chose to be. I did that mistake once. I didn't realise I had people who cared for me, until it was too late.

I had a second chance and so far, its going well. I know that if I look around, I'll find someone who cares for me.

I love being alone. Just myself.

I glance at Azora, who's already looking at me.

I frown and grab her hand tighter as we cross the road.

We're currently in the busy part of New York, not time square, but its busy.

There's tall buildings surrounding us, with lots of cars driving by. For 1AM, it sure is busy.

We stop infront of a really tall modern looking building.

Azora gasps. "The Huxley! Oh my god, I haven't been here in forever."

'The Huxley' is my father's company. Its a big and famous one. Its passed on to the oldest child of the Huxley.

It was my great, great grandfather's, till it went to my grandfather's, then my father.

Generally, its supposed to become mine. Its been my father's dream since I was born.

My future was chosen before I even opened my eyes.

The thing is, I'm not sure id like working here.

"Are you sure we're allowed in here?" She asks, nervously.

I nod at the guards, who open the door for Azora and I.

I walk to the reception and nod at the man. Forgot his name.

We've got workers working 24/7 in here, dad would like the maximum security he needs.

"Mr Huxley, Mrs Reid, how may I help you?" The man asks.

"Hello...." I glance at his name tag. "Jeff, I need the keys to the rooftop."

He nods. "Of course, here you go." He takes out the keys and hands it to me.

"Uh..Jeff, do me a favour, yeah? Don't let Killian know I was here?" I ask.

"Oh, yes, of course, sir." He says.

I grab Azora's hand and we walk to the elevator. I press the button for the 15th floor.

"Everyone was terrified, even i was." Azora mutters.

I smile. "Really? Didn't notice."

"I'm not kidding, they almost shat their pants." She mumbles.

I shake my head and watch as she looks in the mirror and fixes her hair. She catches my eyes and smiles.

I smile back and the elevator dings, and it slides open.

I pull Azora in as well and she frowns.

We walk to the tall wooden door. I unlock it and we walk in.

The cold breeze immediately slaps my face. I hear Azora shiver as well.

The rooftop is my favourite part of this place. No one comes here.

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