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☆A Z O R A☆

Okay, im going to admit it. Im not exactly attracted to Samuel.

Hes cute and nice, like I've said a million times. I just thought that after the first date, my perspective on him would change.

But no, the whole time, my mind has been on Ezra. I keep comparing Samuel to him.

Like right now, I'm at a party with him.

Its 8PM, and im pretty sure everyone I know will show up soon, that's why he suggested that we go early to have some time alone.

"I love kiwi, how can someone not like kiwi?"

I gasp. "I would rather die than eat kiwi. It makes my tongue itch."

He chuckles. "Sometimes yeah, but I still like it."

Ezra isn't a fan of kiwis, but he always eats it for me.

I'm leaning against the wall while he stands infront of me. We're at one of the sorority houses.

They always have the biggest parties.

There's drunk teenager and adults outside on the porch. Some are throwing up, making out or sitting on the grass while looking up at the stars.

Samuel is very close to my face. His breath reeks of lemonade and....mango?

I'm not exactly a big fan of this, and if we do end up kissing, im most definitely going to throw up after.

I cant reject him though, I hate hurting the feelings of people..

I look behind him and catch Lea and Adeline.

Lea shows me a thumbs up while grinning, while Adeline smirks at me.

"Hey, I'm cold. Let's head back inside." I say.

He nods and grabs my hand. I sit on the kitchen counter and drink a glass of punch.

I look behind him once again and watch as my brothers, Ezra, Theo, Miles and Elliot enter the house.

I smile and wave at them. Ezra catches my eyes. He clenches his jaw when he sees Samuel's hand on my waist.

I look at Samuel who looks deep into my eyes and I know that he's about to kiss me.

I swallow as he inches closer to my face. He smashes his lips against mine.

I kiss him back. He slides his tongue inside my mouth and I instantly taste the lemonade.

He sighs against my mouth. I grip the counters, stopping myself from running away.

I open my eyes as his lips move against mine.

I look around and find Ezra's eyes on us, his eyes flaring.

He catches my eyes and he clenches his jaw.

I pull away and take a deep breath.

I look at Samuel and he's scratching the back of his neck.

He grabs my hand and leads me upstairs.

We walk in a bedroom and I sigh.

"Samuel, listen you're great, but I dont think this is going to work." I mutter.

He smiles. "Oh, I know. I swear, you're great too and an amazing kisser, oh my god. I could kiss you everyday, but I dont necessarily like you."

I breathe out, relieved. "Then why did you even ask me out?"

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