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☆E Z R A☆

Its 6 in the fucking morning.

I've been awake since 5. I'm so fucking tired, im so close to quitting football.

"Hey, slut." Theo says.

"You're an hour late." I mutter, glaring at him.

"Sorry, babe." He says.

"10 laps around the field." I mumble.

"Bro, c'mon man. I love you, don't do this to me."

"Theo, now." I mutter.

"No one loves you. This is why your dad hates you." He mutters before he starts running.

The sun is still rising. The sky is a mix of orange, blue and white.

The fresh morning breeze blows.

"Huxley, get over here." Coach yells.

I jog over to him and run a hand through my hair.


"You're doing good, keep it up. Just the others aren't putting much effort. Keep an eye on them, captain." He says.

I look at the others so see them laughing. "Yeah, okay."

"Good, go on." He says, slapping my shoulder.

I walk to the other players.

"Are you people here for laughing or practice?" I ask, glaring at them.

They stay quiet.

I sigh and run a hand through my hair. "The match is less than a month away and all you've been doing to having fun. I need you all to put more effort in this shit."

"Sorry, captain."

"Should be. I see one of you joking around again im making all of you come to practice for the whole night. 500 push-ups, go."

They all start their push ups and I so mine as well.

After I'm done, Miles approaches me. "Hey, you good bro?"

I nod. "Yeah, its just coach. He doesn't think we're putting enough effort and these piece of shits aren't doing anything."

"We're all stressed, don't worry about it." He says.

I dont answer and he walks away.

Its the 22nd of September, so about 3 weeks left till the match.


I walk down the hallway towards AP calculus.

I walk in the class and my eyes skim around the class before it lands on Azora.

I walk over to her and glare at the guy next to her. "Move."

"I was here first." He says.

"I said fucking move." I snap.

He stands up and walks away. I sit next to Azora and my gaze softens.

"That wasn't nice." She mutters.


She doesn't answer. I look at her to find her going through the textbook.

"Did you study?" She asks.

I shake my head. "No."

"Ezra, its the first part of final. You didn't even study?" She asks.

"No, love. I'll be fine, don't worry." I say.

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