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☆ E Z R A ☆

My favourite thing in the world is kissing her. I've decided that and it won't change.

But I dont think that will happen again, ever.

I did a big dumb mistake. This isn't fucking fair, I always make mistakes. Always.

This is the one I regret the most though, telling her that telling her I don't do dates or that I'm not ready, because even though I dont do it, for her I'd do it.

I need to talk to her and tell her how much she means to me but it won't work if she's spending time with Samuel, or if she's avoiding me.

I miss talking to her. I miss kissing her. I miss her.

Theo told me they both went out last night to the arcade. I don't know what they talked about since he didn't tell me.

Miles wanted to go out tonight with everyone to a fancy restaurant. I wasn't planning on going, but Azora will be there, so I can talk to her. Or I can try to.

I've been at practice all day since the match is approaching, few more weeks.

Its the 15th of September, so one more month.

I cant focus on anything other than her. It isn't exactly great when half of her classes are with me.

But then she sits far away from me with Samuel.

I want to kick him out.

Get a fucking grip.

I groan and throw my phone on my bed. What have I become?

Its 4.30PM, and we're supposed to be heading out at around 5.30PM.

I look at the group chat since my phone is blowing up.


Azalea: what time are we heading out?

Theo: bro, I told you like a hundred times, 5.30!

Azalea: sorry I don't listen when you talk.

Theo: and you ask me why your mom left you.

Azalea: she didn't have a choice...?

Theo: stfu, please.

Azalea: yours had a choice though, but she still left.

Theo: what is it with you all and my mom? She's gone what is there to talk about?

Miles: the fact that she left you?

Theo: kill yourself, id be so happy id be dancing on top of your casket.

Miles: you aren't invited.

I roll my eyes and turn off my phone.

I decide to take a shower.


An hour later im ready, in a black button up, few of the buttons open, black pants, rings and shoes.

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