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Azora's POV

The next morning when I wake up, I let Ezra sleep and head back to my dorm.

Its about 7AM right now and I'm going to breakfast with the others.

I've already taken a shower, now I'm just looking for something to wear.

I'm choosing between dress or jeans.


I grab a white summer dress that goes up to my mid-thighs, small flowers on it and thin straps and slip on my black converse.

I let my hair down, run a brush through it and decide to let it be free.

I put on some light makeup; Ligloss, mascara, blush and white highlights.

After I'm done I grab my phone and walk downstairs with Tony and Nio.

"So, where were you last night, you didn't come back." Nio says.

"I slept at Ezra's."

"Just slept?" Tony asks, raising his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes. "Yes, Tony. Elliot, Theo and Miles are right next door!"

"So you guys are like together now?" Nio asks.

I glance at him and nod. "Yes."

Once we arrive at the cafeteria, Samuel waves me over. I let the others know they can go without me and walk to Samuel.

"Morning." I say, smiling.

He grins and pats the seat next to him. I sit down.

"You and Ezra, huh?"

I cough. "How did you find out?"

"You guys kissed in the middle of campus and Theo was yelling, so some went to look and saw you both." He explains.

"That's all they saw, right?" I ask.

No matter how much I'm glad we've fixed our problem, I'd like that part of the confessions to stay private.

"Yes, of course. They just saw you kissing. Don't worry, no pictures or anything but its passing around really fast, it reached the Internet. Be careful about the public." He says.

I sigh and nod. "Yeah, okay. Thanks."

"Why are you upset?" He asks.

"Nothing just, my dad has probably found out by now."

"Whats wrong with that?" He asks.

I realise that he doesn't know what I'm talking about so I shake my head. "Nothing."

"Okay, well congratulations!" He says.

I laugh and stand up. "Thank you."

I walk to the buffet and grab a bowl of cereal with some fruits.

I place my platter on the table and slide next to Ezra.

"Hello." I say, smiling.

I take a spoon of cereal.

"Hi." He mutters.

I frown. "You okay?"

He nods. "Yeah, I'm okay."

"What were you talking about with Samuel?" Azalea asks.

I shrug. "Everyone found out about Ezra and I."

"I blame Theo." Ezra mutters.

I smile and look at Theo who looks very hangover. He looks confused, his head is in another dimension at the moment.

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