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♡ A Z O R A♡

I dread waking up everyday. Not in a suicidal way- I just can't wake up.

I hate it. Pure hatred.

I'm currently getting ready to meet the others for breakfast, as Azalea said.

I grab a pair of black cargo jeans, a dark green sweatshirt and my converse.

I slip on a few rings and a gold necklace, and let my hair down.

I don't exactly have class at the moment. It starts at 9AM.

What I hate it that I've got a night class. I don't exactly hate it, I kinda like it.

Its in the lecture rooms, with the long tables and everyone sits next to eachother.

Then there's like stairs that does up and up. I like sitting at the top, completely at the back.

There's like projectors and stuff. Its pretty peaceful, especially when its raining.

There's even like lamps, the orange colour shining on your desks.

I grab my phone and walk downstairs with my brothers.

We arrive at the huge building, the cafeteria.

Its huge. Its a hall, but they turned it into a cafeteria.

There's an open buffet everyday, thrice per day, 21 times per week.

I eat here twice per day, breakfast and dinner.

I usually get lunch outside of campus.

I grab a plate and fill it with fruits, waffles, cereal and a glass of orange juice.

I join the others at the table.

"Goodmorning!" Lea exclaims.

"Morning." I say, smiling.

I sit next to her, infront of me sits Ezra.

"Hello." I say to him.

His eyes light up. "Hi."

I glance down at his plate. A bowl of cereal and a glass of milk.

I sigh and give him a few fruits from my plate.

He smiles and eats them with a fork.

"So, I heard there's a football event?" Lea asks.

Theo gasps. "See? Even she knows and she doesn't even play football! Fucking dumbasses."

I frown. What are they talking about now?

I glance at Theo. He catches my eyes and smiles.

He pushes Nio who's next to me and sits down next to me instead.

"Hello my bestest friend in the entire world." He says.

I laugh. "Hello my bestest friend in the entire universe."

"So, as you may have heard, there's an event soon." He says.

I hum, drinking my orange juice.

"Are you going with anyone?"

I place the glass on the table. "You're supposed to go with someone?"

Theo nods. "Yeah, one ticket is equal to two people. 50 fucking bucks too."

"Really? Woah." I mutter.

"Who are you going with?" He asks.

I shrug. "I dont know. I'm not sure if I'll even go."

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