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☆E Z R A☆

Once, again. She's taking my heart and squeezing it to death.

Its all my fault, really. I let myself get attached to her.

She's so fucking gorgeous too. Im doing things I never thought I would've done.

Still hate her though.

Im fighting for her, though not one gut of mine regrets doing that. If I could, I would've fucking killed that fuck face.

The moment I heard what he did to Azora, I was furious. When I got there, I saw a bat and beat the shit out of him with it and smashed a glass bottle on his  head.

He was bleeding like shit.

I know im in deep shit, but the thing is, I could give less of a fuck.

I'd do anything for her, and I still hate her.

I've been awake of an hour now. Its 10AM.

Luckily, it's Saturday today. Unluckily, I've got practice, but not until 3PM.

Azora walks in in her short shorts and that shirt.

Last night, I definitely wasn't sober, but that didn't mean i didn't want it.

I just had to apologise and say I didn't mean it. I enjoyed every single moment we had, but the point is, I can't. I'm not capable of doing this.

And it isn't possible, at all. Never in a lifetime.

I did see her eyes fill with hurt, but it hurt me even more. It look my whole heart.

But that doesn't mean I have feelings for her, because I most definitely do not. I mean, come on? That's Azora.

I dont understand why everyone thinks that. It just physically hurts to look at her, my mind is thinking about her most of my day, she's beautiful, gorgeous, pretty. Yeah, don't like her.

I've not hooked up with someone since she came here. Its got my fucked in the head.

I've kissed people. I imagined them as her, but its not the same.

I don't fucking like her.

"Hello." Azora says, brewing a cup of coffee.

"Hello." I say in a sleepy voice.

"How are the bruises, you okay?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah."

"Good, but you should probably shower later so I can clean it up. Are you going to practice?"

I nod. "Yeah."

"Dont go, you're really hurt. It could infect the cut."

I sigh and shrug. "I don't wanna know, but coach is going to bite my ass if I mis  another day."

Soon after, im all changed in a black shirt and cargo pants. Azora cleaned my  cuts already so now I'm just hanging in their living room with the others. Its what I've been doing all day, and its 5PM.

Suddenly someone knocks at the door. I watch as Azora's figure walks to the door.

She looks amazing in dresses.

Quinson is standing there. That man is my enemy. He's the assistant to Peralta, the 'principle' of the school.

I groan and glance at Nio and Tony. We are in deep shit.

"Azora, good morning. Sorry to be bothering you, Im here for Antonio Reid, Anthony Reid and Ezra Huxley."

Azora looks back at us. Nio nods.

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